The African Must Cross the Abyss or Remain at the Dead End--THE STRUGGLE BETWEEN MAAT AND ISFET (THIRTEEN)
Is it possible for anyone to be capable of making a consistent and reasoned examination of reality without a worldview? What are the constraints of not being grounded in a worldview that is in harmony with the state of being of the individual? The African is at the abyss of human development because of spiritual poverty which is caused by ignorance and delusion. The material poverty of the African is more than likely the result of the spiritual poverty which makes the human spirit to live in a state of confusion. This state of confusion makes sacrifice for the Holy Cause of Nzoputa Uwa an anathema because everyone is caught up in the web of making a living. Where there is no vision that transcends individual vested interests, the people cannot be greater than animals who are motivated by the temporary things of life. They will not be able to live by any principle worth dying for.
The result will be a view of life that is very narrow, limited and self-centered. The dead end nature of the world of Ekwensu is the sphere of the physical senses. The greatest obstacle facing the Africans is the abyss that they must cross before they can enter into the world of EKUMEKU. The African must either cross the abyss or remain at the dead end nature of the world of Ekwensu. The abyss that exists between the world of Ekwensu and the world of EKUMEKU is more mental than physical. The challenges which the Africans must encounter are numerous but individually Africans can cross the abyss and the journey is more mental than it is physical in every sense of the word. The existence of the abyss cannot defeat the African, rather the African is defeated when he quits and decides to remain in the dead end. The obstacles which the Africans must overcome are ignorance, falsehood and deception and they are more mental than physical in the true sense of the word.
These obstacles cannot be overcome without the Africans following in the footsteps of the Chosen One of Nzoputa Uwa. Yet, the great chasm that lies between the Africans and the Chosen One is not a material one but instead it is the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU. In order to bridge the chasm, the African must renounce the religions of ISFET and restore the spirituality of MAAT as the dominant consciousness. When the African crosses the abyss, following in the footsteps of the Chosen One, through the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU, the human spirit would no longer be an African. He or she would become a Kemite, and the People of KEMET would welcome him or her regardless of his tribe, ethnicity, or nationality as a member of the Universal Family. He or she would no longer be regarded as an African for he or she has left behind his tribal baggages at the edge of the abyss, crossing the abyss in the footsteps of the Chosen One, free and unfettered.
The dead end nature of the world of Ekwensu is the sphere of the physical senses. The greatest obstacle facing the Africans is the abyss that they must cross before they can enter into the world of EKUMEKU. The African must either cross the abyss or remain at the dead end nature of the world of Ekwensu. The abyss that exists between the world of Ekwensu and the world of EKUMEKU is more mental than physical. The challenges which the Africans must encounter are numerous but individually Africans can cross the abyss and the journey is more mental than it is physical in every sense of the word. The existence of the abyss cannot defeat the African, rather the African is defeated when he quits and decides to remain in the dead end. The obstacles which the Africans must overcome are ignorance, falsehood and deception and they are more mental than physical in the true sense of the word. These obstacles cannot be overcome without the Africans following in the footsteps of the Chosen One of Nzoputa Uwa.
The African must bridge the gap of his present and think beyond the past into the future with the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU. A new people have emerged from the debris of the abyss and they are ready to welcome those who have managed to cross the abyss by the voluntary effort of the individual and they are the People of KEMET. The continent that we call KEMET can be geographically defined presently with the Mediterranean ocean on the North and the Atlantic ocean on the West and also in the East with the Indian ocean and the Red sea which reaches up to the Isthmus of Suez, with the Isthmus bringing us back to the Mediterranean ocean in the North, in addition to all the adjoining Islands including the Island of Madagascar.
Have you ever wondered why there is so much hatred against the Black man and his family? Have you ever thought of the reason behind the vile hatred of the Black man and his family? What has the Black man done that so much violence is heaped upon his shoulder? Can anybody tell us what the Black man did in the past against any other people that has not been done before? Why is it that there seems to be a savage conspiracy against the Black man and his family that many do not want to give the Black man his overdue respect? Why is it that the enemies of the Black man and his family go around the world creating false images of the Black man and his family? The people in leadership positions in our beloved continent of KEMET no doubt appear to be the servants of the enemies of our beloved continent. When I was an African, I used to think like the Africans.
But I also used to wonder why non-Africans are treated with utmost respect and honor in my beloved continent better than how the Africans treat themselves. What is the cause of this conspiracy against the Black man and his family? Most Africans, especially those who have never travelled outside of the continent, do not know that the image of “Africa” that never was had been used or projected to store up hatred and animosity towards the Black man and his family and such derogatory image which is frequently unleashed on the Black man, often had been used to excite and incite hostility and prejudice against the Black people. In order to brand and mark out a people for destruction, degradation and oppression, the invention of the “Africa” that never was became a propaganda of the highest order. The enemies of the Africans set the Black man apart, branding the Black people with names loaded with negative images and often the Africans are treated as outcasts that are only fit for exploitation and degradation.
Therefore, the imposition of the religions of ISFET had made it extremely difficult for the Africans to think critically and solve their numerous problems. Any people that do not know who they are must never expect to be recognized and respected by those who they are seeking their acceptance. The Africans have to be hated virulently by others for they do not belong anywhere, have no allegiance to their ancestors, and are loyal to nothing and do not represent any principle worthy of emulation. When we think about the African, the African image gives us the true impression and definition of a slave.
The religions of ISFET could not and cannot liberate the Black man and his family from this slavery and bondage. Christianity did not liberate the Black man and his family. The same thing is applicable to Islam and Judaism. It is only EKUMEKU that is ordained by the eternal Truth of the One Creator of the universe to liberate the Black man and his family. The Black man and his family were indoctrinated to completely throw away their essence of being human and cut off ties with the ancestral historical past making him to become anything that his traducers wanted him to be. Those who have no identity of their own become anything others want them to be. The African is a loser in the battlefield of life, seemingly without any future, for having been brainwashed to reject his historical heritage. In other words, the Black man has placed his family in an unfortunate condition that may lead to his extermination, and this is a fact that the so-called African should be aware.
But how does an African become a Kemite? How does a caterpillar become a butterfly? The religions of ISFET were used to deceive the Black man and his family; they were used to put fear into the heart of the Black man and his family. The knowledge of self is the forbidden fruit used against the African and yet it is the same knowledge of self that the Black man needs to dispel the fear that the religions of ISFET have imposed on the Africans. These religions of ISFET have done more harm to the humanity of the Africans than slavery and colonialism. Civilizations come and go with time and space, but the essence of human civilization remains the same in infinity. In every Age, old civilizations pass away, and new ones come into existence. By the virtue of its existence, every civilization defines itself to the world by imposing its own values on the universal principles of life. Most of these civilizations often mistakenly parade the values they have imposed on the universal principles as the essence of the principle. By so doing, they lose sight of the essence and begin to parade themselves as if to say that they are not subjected to the laws of time and space.
This in itself ultimately sows the seed that will lead to the demise of that civilization. With time and space, those who parade the values that are susceptible to change as if to say that they are everlasting would soon realize that they are fighting a losing battle in the world of ideas. No doubt, human values evolve and devolve with time and space, just like the human body. Why? This is because they exist within the circular nature of the universe. Those who understand this principle will also understand the rise and fall of civilizations. In other words, the African should reject any form of slavery and transform himself into a Kemite by following in the footsteps of the Chosen One. Wherefore, human beings must develop the ability to exist in harmony with the order of the universe, for the continuous unfolding of life. Change is the dynamic nature of the universe. This idea of change is the basis of every life in the universe.
With adequate knowledge of self, human beings have the natural ability to respond to change in a meaningful way. The threshold of EKUMEKU is the true meaning of change because self-transformation cannot exist without motion or vibration in time and space. In order to change, we must recognize and appreciate the need for change. We can only attain the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU through the realization of the struggle between MAAT and ISFET which expresses the motion of change in time and space. But we must have courage and discipline to change. We change from the lower plane to the higher plane through self-transformation. We change from ignorance to the knowledge of self through self-discovery and self-mastery. We change from the vicious circle of eternal death to the righteous path of everlasting life. We change from blaming others to the service of others. We change from being slaves to become the masters on this planet. We change by overcoming evil in order to do good. We change by rejecting ISFET and accepting MAAT. Again, we change by becoming the devoted followers of the Divine Plan of AMUN in whom we trust.
Blessings of Hotep!
In the spirit of MAAT, I am