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The Africans Are Under the Spell of White Magic and Cannot Survive it Without a Definite Value System.


The Africans are Under the Spell of White Magic and Cannot Survive it Without a Definite Value System.

There is nobody that can make claims of self mastery and an in depth understanding of world history without comprehending the reality of the eternal struggle between MAAT and ISFET in the world of ideas. The world of ideas oscillates between two poles or states of Being. One is the state of the Oneness of Being and the other is the state of a Separateness of Being.

According to the nature of every given idea, it would oscillate between the poles of expansion and contraction. In other words, we must understand that opposite polarities are generated in Being and that expansion and contraction manifest the positive and negative energies in all thought. Thus, the energies coming forth by day and by night always have a relation of each other as positive and negative poles which attract and repel according to its nature.

Since nature abhors a vacuum, the very necessity of life is consciousness. It is the self-consciousness of Being and Becoming that gives value to the human life. Therefore, we must realize that the consciousness of Being functions in various ways and in different forms.

When we state that there is a fundamental difference between the People of KEMET and the Africans, we ought to first conceptualize it in terms of consciousness. The group consciousness of the People of KEMET includes all the previous stages of consciousness, and of which the African consciousness is one of the previous stages. There are presently people in our beloved continent whose group consciousness are still below that of the consciousness of Being African. Some of these people may have either tribal or ethnic consciousness and the African consciousness can be indeed a step higher than the tribal or ethnic consciousness.

In other words, the group consciousness of the People of KEMET includes all the previous stages of consciousness in our beloved continent and having transcended the previous stages it is now the basis upon which the continent of KEMET can be understood in the world of ideas. Therefore, when we look at the Africans, we are seeing them from the vantage point of the People of KEMET; and we are seeing the African group consciousness as a previous stage of consciousness that has been superseded by a new synthesis in consciousness, namely the People of KEMET.

Who are the people that we call the Africans? What makes the Africans fundamentally different from the People of KEMET? Is there any definite value system that we can ascribe to the Africans? What are the root causes of the division among Africans? How can the moral and ethical divide among Africans be transcended? Why is it that the Africans have no definite value system? What differentiates the Africans fundamentally from the People of KEMET in consciousness?

The Hebrews preach to the Africans that there were no laws before Moses, that the laws were given to Moses by a God; just as Moses gave the Torah to the Hebrews, or as the Christians believe that Jesus gave them the Gospel; and as the Muslims believe that Muhammad gave them the Qu'ran. Nevertheless, the laws have existed from the beginning of time. Time and space cannot exist without the eternal struggle between MAAT and ISFET, and it is in this eternal struggle can the laws be made manifest. But the Hebrews preach that there were no laws before Moses. What do you think is the basis of this Hebrew assumption and why did the Africans accept this assumption?

Let it be known that the universe cannot exist without the laws of time and space. The idea of the origin of the laws cannot be separated from the One Creator of the universe whose creation of life established the fundamental principles of MAAT and ISFET at the foundation of creation. So, the laws are inherent to time and space in the same manner that ideas are integral to the world.

In other words, the laws of nature are not separate from the creation of the universe; rather, they are part and parcel of creation in time and space. The laws have existed from the beginning of time and space. Yet the Hebrews preach to the Africans that the laws of MAAT and ISFET began with Moses. So, the Hebrews deny the past and deny the sources of the laws.

We may ask: Why did the Africans accept the Hebrew assumption that there were no laws before Moses? But let us be aware that the acceptance by the Africans that there were no laws before Moses can be traced to the history of the African enslavement and colonization and it had formed the basis of the group consciousness of what it means to be African. What does this mean? It means that the group consciousness of what is an African is embedded in the acceptance of the Hebrew assumption that there were no laws before Moses.

By accepting the Hebrew assumption that there were no laws before Moses, the African can only justify his or her existence by following either the teachings of the Torah, Bible or Qu'ran. This must be understood as the underlying reason why Africans are fragmented and divided within themselves as either a Hebrew Israelite, a Christian or a Muslim. This consciousness of the African can be traced in history to have its origins in the many centuries of the enslavement of the African captives and in the colonization of the "African" landmass.

Wherefore, the thinking of the average African can now be understood and whatever development or reaction that this consciousness may have resulted or produced must no longer be a mystery. We now can understand that there are no definite values in what it means to be African. What the Africans consider to be values are borrowed ideas that have no originality among them and with a contrary historical process.

Unlike the Africans, the People of KEMET do not accept that there were no laws before Moses. We do not accept the Hebrew assumption that whatever existed before Moses were of no value morally and otherwise. The People of KEMET are convinced that our ancestors in ancient KEMET left a formidable legacy which cannot be disputed before there was a Moses. The People of KEMET know that there were the laws of MAAT and ISFET before Moses and that these laws can be traced to the eternal struggle between MAAT and ISFET in the world of ideas.

Consequently, by following the assumption that there were no laws before Moses, the Africans have been detached from their roots and have found it very difficult to reconnect to their historical past in ancient KEMET. Thus, the religions of ISFET became a weapon that had been used to keep the Africans ignorant and divided against themselves. As long as the Africans allow themselves to be confined in the intellectual colony we call "Africa" in their acceptance of the Hebrew assumption that there were no laws before Moses, they can never rise above it. That is why, the average African is either a Christian, or a Muslim or a Hebrew Israelite in belief system. As appendages to the Hebrew assumption, the Africans have removed themselves from the level playing field in the world of ideas without definite values and cannot survive in the world of ideas without a definite value system. In other words, the future of our beloved continent belongs to the People of KEMET.


Blessings of Hotep!

In the spirit of MAAT, I am


  1. The concept of the "New African" is important in the understanding of the intellectual origins of the world mission of Nzoputa Uwa and also in apprehending the reasoning behind the change of name for our beloved continent.

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