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How Did Africans Become Consumers of Alien Ideas at the Detriment of their Own Self-preservation?


How did Africans Become Consumers of Alien Ideas at the Detriment of their Own Self-preservation?

Knowledge is a gift from the One Creator of the universe. So every human being has the potential capacity to attain knowledge and thereby can realize his or her human potentials. The challenge of EKUMEKU is the Truth which insists that all human beings should be what they ought to be and not what they have to be by the virtue of family, environment, skin color or gender. The knowledge of the universe belongs to those who seek to know the truthfulness of EKUMEKU. As the human beings seek the knowledge of EKUMEKU, so shall they be blessed with the eternal Truth of the One Creator of the universe. The meaning of life must be sought beyond what is obvious and apparent. For the character of Truth is hidden. Although the character of Truth is hidden, it can be grasped through the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU.

As the People of KEMET, there are some questions that we ought to ponder deeply? How did Africans become consumers of alien ideas at the detriment of their own self preservation? What caused the abject poverty of ideas among Africans? How can this spiritual poverty of the Africans be reversed? Is there any conspiracy against Africans?

We shall start with the last question in this discourse.

This question deals with whether or not there is a conspiracy against the Africans as a people in the world of ideas. We shall start with the name “Africa” and its image. When you identify yourself as an “African”, what image does it convey to you and where do the values of that image come from? Identity to something as significant as the name of our beloved continent should be rooted in particular sets of values. Some may say that the African identity comes from the name of a continent called “Africa”. How can a continent be given a name without a historical relationship with the people who are supposed to give value to the name?

Therefore, the conspiracy against Africans started with the invention of the Africa that never was by foreigners and invaders which led to the assumption of the African as a savage, who has made no positive contribution to human civilization. How can anyone call the original home of humanity and the cradle of human civilization the land of savages? It all started with the name “Africa”. If we are to accept the name “Africa” and its evil use, we have to concurrently accept that the Africans are savages who have not contributed anything positive to human civilization. How the people who originated human civilization were made to become African Savages who had made no positive contribution to human civilization is a matter of great concern to the People of KEMET.

As the saying goes, the dog that is given a bad name once accepted should be ready for the slaughter house. As long as there are a people who identify with the name “Africa”, they must be ready to bear the consequences that come with the name. “Africa” and its evil origins should be rejected by all progressive forces within and without the continent. The name “Africa” is no longer the name of our beloved continent. Let it be known by all progressive forces that the name of our beloved continent is KEMET. There is no known history recorded by our ancestors on which they identified themselves as Africans. The name “Africa” evokes only slavery and colonialism and did not originate from an internal development within the continent. When we search history, it becomes very clear that the name “Africa” was an invention by foreigners and invaders whose vested interests were diametrically opposed to the overall interest of the indigenous inhabitants. If I were an invader, I would not recognize the people as my equal and it would be to my best interest to wipe out their history. It is a conspiracy against the people once they accept and identify with any name that does not accord them any respectable commentary of their past. When it is stated that Africans had no history before their contact with Arabs and Europeans, it is a way of saying that whatever history they had in the past before the contact had been wiped out into the oblivion of history.

How can they falsify history, and claim the legacy that belongs to the people of KEMET or distort the black image without the invention of the “Africa” that never was? This conspiracy against Africans must be understood as the logic behind the slaughtering of Africans, the enslavement of Africans, the colonization of Africa, the stealing of cultural forms and the moral and physical castration of the black male image.

Without any doubt, the invention of the “Africa” that never was is a crime against humanity. Witness the massive incarceration of young black males in many prisons around the world, the prostitution of young black girls, the killing of progressive political leaders and the spinning of lies as history and you would know that the conspiracy against Africans is an immoral and unspoken mission of genocide.

The conspiracy against Africans is rooted in the name “Africa”. Where is this “Africa” that never contributed positively to human civilization? This “Africa” no doubt never existed and will never exist. But why is it that most people in the continent of KEMET identify themselves as “Africans”. This is the crux of the matter and the bone of contention in how Africans become consumers of alien ideas at the detriment of their own self-preservation.

How did it happen that a great people could fall so low that they allowed foreigners and invaders to tell them who they are, and to give them a false identity or to give them a derogatory and historically meaningless name that has nothing to do with their true historical past? Who are these Africans and what made them so spiritually weak that they do not have the capacity to look at the world through their own eyes? The Africans are consumers of alien religious ideas because they are not in alignment with who they ought to be. It is only the Africans that would proudly dishonor and discredit the ideas of their ancestors, and are without shame in their practices of alien religious ideas.

Therefore, the conspiracy against Africans is embedded in the mighty struggle between MAAT and ISFET. Because the Africans may be ignorant of this mighty struggle, it is only the people of KEMET that can save the Africans from the abyss of spiritual poverty that the religions of ISFET have kept them. No doubt, the conspiracy against Africans is an open secret that only the so-called Africans are unaware of because of their ignorance of EKUMEKU.

To reclaim the identity of our beloved continent of KEMET is a task that must be done. Otherwise, the future of our beloved continent may be jeopardized because those who call themselves Africans have little to offer for they have been divided and conquered by the religions of ISFET and can never speak with one voice. Have you ever wondered why the African people are hated in so many places, most often for no reason at all? Yes, the Africans are hated because they are perceived to be consumers of alien ideas and not producers of original ideas, despite the fact that they have accepted the foreign religions of ISFET. They have done en masse what no other people are capable of doing. They have bent over themselves to follow foreign religions who preach what they do not practice. Nobody can disrespect you when you are proud of your heritage and you are in control of your own ideas without any fear or favor.

So, the very concept of being black must be transformed and used to unite them within the context of a new self-definition that has been established. The tendency to divide them as Christian, Muslim or Hebrew Israelite would no longer be tenable once the majority must have abandoned the false African image that was imposed by these religions of ISFET, which had made them appear like borrowers and debtors in the world of ideas.

Stand up for the continent of KEMET, even if you were to be alone. Unless you are a Kemite, you may not know that we are at war and this war is the struggle between MAAT and ISFET and it has been going on for thousands of years. This struggle is about the Truth and we need the mind of the Kemite to fight this war; otherwise, one becomes a slave and a victim in this eternal struggle.


Blessings of Hotep!

In the spirit of MAAT, I am


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