We Must Look At The World Through Our Own Eyes.
Let it be known that we the People of KEMET subscribe to the ontology of the Oneness of Being as opposed to the ontology of the Separateness of Being of the religions of ISFET. So, we aptly asked: To whom does the world belong to? And, this is our answer: The world belongs to those who claim it as their own, whether they claim it from the worldview of the Oneness of Being or from the worldview of the Separateness of Being is a matter of conscience.
As the People of KEMET, we have already made our claim to the world as our own. Therefore, having claimed it as our own, we must look at the world itself through our own eyes. You see the fundamental difference between an African and a Kemite is that the former sees the world through the eyes of others; whilst the latter, I mean the Kemite, sees the world through his own eyes.
For an example, the average African sees the world divided between God and Devil; whereas, the Kemite sees the world divided between the forces of MAAT. and the forces of ISFET. No doubt, the Kemite does neither believe in any God nor does he believe in any Devil. The Kemite knows that the world is composed of the interdependent forces of MAAT which represent the goodness of life and the independent forces of ISFET which represent the evil nature of existence. Thus, the Kemite does not worship any God in whatever form or shape. Why? Because a bona fide Kemite only worships the One Creator of the universe.
The People of KEMET must never be like the Africans. The Africans have a fundamental problem due to the spell of White Magic. The Africans are spiritually blind, for they look at the world through the eyes of others The Africans do not look at the world through their own eyes. Being spiritually blind, they have been crippled by their own spiritual poverty. They can only play second fiddle to those that they use their eyes to see the world
The Africans run helter and skelter beating around the bush like the blind men who were asked to describe an elephant. The Africans can never be united unless they become the Kemites for each one of them serve different principles and they are indeed masters of none. The Africans do not represent the core principle of MAAT and they do not represent the core principle of ISFET; and this is the reason why we often call them cultural prostitutes (Akwunakwunas).
This School of Thought has championed a system of thought and behavior that can produce men and women of integrity who can think for themselves and who have the moral courage to rely on actions that are based on their own line of thinking, knowing fully well that the responsibility for their own survival lies in their own hands.
The People of KEMET represent the emerging new synthesis in our beloved continent of KEMET. We do not see the world to be divided between the people of God and the people of the Devil as the religions of ISFET see it. In this divisive separation, the people of God become the white people and the people of the Devil become the black people; and thus the focus of consciousness of the followers of the religions of ISFET becomes the skin color contraption of the religions of Faith. Instead, we the People of KEMET see the world divided between the ontology of the Oneness of Being and the ontology of the Separateness of Being.
In other words, the People of KEMET see the world as an eternal struggle between the interdependent order of the universe and the independent nature of existence. We see the world as a mighty struggle between the forces of MAAT and the forces of ISFET. We see the world as the embodiment of the world of EKUMEKU and the world of Ekwensu. Unlike the religions of Faith, which see the world divided by skin color, we see the world divided by the people of Truth and the people of Faith. We are not interested in the immorality of the skin color contraption of the religions of ISFET which conceive evil in black image. Without any doubt, the followers of the religions of ISFET have a misconception of what is evil for whatever that their corrupt mind can conceive as evil is always associated with the black image.
We do not see the world as a struggle between the forces of darkness and the forces of lightness for there is no moral struggle between the darkness of the night and the lightness of the day. We the People of KEMET see the world as a creation of the One Creator of the universe as opposed to the false notion of the religions of ISFET that the world is created by their God or Gods. There is only One Creator of the universe and this One Creator of the universe is the ALL in the All. AMUN-Em-Het.
THE CREATOR IS ONE. THE ONE IS AMUN AND THE DIVINE PLAN IS EKUMEKU. There is no other Creator of the universe but AMUN in whom we trust.
Blessings of Hotep!
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Our beloved continent of KEMET had been made a dumping ground for every useless and unworkable idea by foreigners and invaders with their African cohorts--and we are no longer going to fold our hands as spectators without making our people to become aware of the future grievous implications and consequences.