The EKUMEKU Vision of Existence!
Blessings of Hotep!
Let it be known that :
THE CREATOR IS ONE. THE ONE IS AMUN AND THE DIVINE PLAN IS EKUMEKU. There is no other Creator of the universe but AMUN in whom we must trust.
Let us make it known to all humanity that what separates Ekumeku from other religions is the power of Truth, that is to say, the Truth of the One Creator of the universe. There is greater power in the Truth of the divine birth of EKUMEKU than in the myths of the religions of ISFET. Let it be understood that Ekumeku is the religion of Truth, which rejects proportionately the myths of the religions of Faith. We the People of Truth cannot live with myth and so we must never be associated with the people of Faith. For, it is only the Truth alone that can open the mind to all that is hidden to others because AMUN in whom we trust is the Hidden One Creator of the universe.
The Truth once realized takes us on a journey of self-discovery and our lives become a revelation of the radiance of its manifestation. The impulse to know the Truth in all things that we are interested in or engaged with is the noblest and the most majestic impulse in the human life. This impulse to know the Truth is what gave form to our religion of Truth which we know as Ekumeku, for EKUMEKU is the Divine Plan of Creation. Thus, the revelation of the eternal Truth of the divine birth of EKUMEKU on the Second year of Nzoputa Uwa could not have manifested itself without this timeless impulse in the heart of what it means to be fully human. Without any doubt, the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU makes this impulse to know the Truth a reality in the life of every Ekwueme.
Not quite awake because of ignorance, falsehood and deception, the world of Ekwensu disregards the call for deeper awareness being inadvertence to the Truth, living in agreement with Nsi, mired by the conflicts of illusion caused by the condition of not being alert. On the contrary, the Ekwueme People of Truth are the devoted followers of the Divine Plan of the One Creator of the universe, being in disagreement with Nsi, having experienced the rapture that comes with the Living Truth, which gives greater value to the inner life, being awake to the conditions of living in agreement with Nsi.
Wherefore, what we see depends on what we know. We cannot understand what we do not know and we cannot overcome what we do not understand. What we need is the Truth in order to know and understand the human life. Therefore, human life is incomplete without human salvation and this salvation cannot be realized without the ultimate reality that we know as the Truth.
Consequently, the EKUMEKU Vision of existence originates from the revealed message of Nzoputa Uwa, which cannot be realized without the etermal Truth of the One Creator of the universe. This Vision of Nzoputa Uwa has revealed that the whole world of Ekwensu is ignorant of EKUMEKU; and as a result, the Ekwensu people live in agreement with Nsi. The unfoldment of the creative vision of what it means to be the human being par excellence, to which the vision of Nzoputa Uwa constantly is engaged with, began on the First year of the Ekwueme Calendar.
Contrary to the Ekwensu view of the world, the oneness of being must be understood as the basic ontology of the EKUMEKU Vision of Existence. A world civilization cannot exist progressively without a people with a vision, a people with a cultivated culture of development and industrious habits and a people that is amenable to moral instruction and discipline. The spirituality of EKUMEKU has come confidently to establish and maintain the necessary foundation for all of these virtues of social, political, intellectual and moral intercourse.
The Ekwensu culture is morally decadent because it has reached its climax and therefore it is no longer going anywhere. Its vision of the human life is morally bankrupt, built upon a firm belief in something for which there is no iota of proof, it cannot withstand the scrutiny of the Truth. The Living Truth has dealt a staggering blow to the structure of authority, systems of belief and the cohesiveness of the world of Faith as a result of bringing into being the revealed Law of Nzoputa Uwa handed down to humanity through the Chosen One.
The Chosen One was chosen by the One Creator of the universe through the Almighty Spirit of EKUMEKU for the mission of Nzoputa Uwa, in order to eliminate from our thought and behavior every adverse idea and habit which retarded the moral and ethical realization of the universal awakening of humanity to the Truth of the divine birth of EKUMEKU. Yet, it is only through the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU can the Truth be self-realizable in our individual life, becoming the living spirit of the idea of Nzoputa Uwa.
No doubt, the world of Ekwensu in thought has reached its dead end and this is self-evident in the deep moral crisis amongst the religions of Faith. In short, the age of Faith has been superseded by the New Age of Truth. Without any doubt, the world of Faith belongs to another age in time, another humanity or people, another set of human values, another world that is fundamentally different from the world of EKUMEKU, which is the World of Life. The Ekwensu people thus are a world apart from us, in another world, fundamentally different from the reality of our universe. Hence, we the Ekwueme People of Truth are fundamentally different from the Ekwensu people of Faith in our worldview, in our morality and consciousness and in our world mission. Consequently, the future of the Ekwensu people depends on their transformation and conversion to EKUMEKU in their repentance from Nsi.
In the crucible of terror and the threat of extinction, the world of Faith made the black image the archetype of evil and had built a make-believe world that dehumanized a greater section of the human family without any moral justification and it was juxtaposed on mere skin color differences. Therefore, we must never submit to any power or agency that seeks to dehumanize humanity; instead, we must wrestle against such agency or power with the power of the Truth. We wrestle against the skin color contraption of the religions of ISFET which was used to poison the heart of humanity against the black image. They have disqualified themselves from the future.
In a bounded field, there is bound to be a collision whenever the Truth is denied and the vested interest of a questionable group is superimposed as the overall interest of the all. Aggression is projected towards those that are condemned, excluded and despised because they rightly or wrongly are thought of as evil in an attempt to control their destiny and to annihilate their potentials.
Despite the threat of death, the divine birth of EKUMEKU became the ultimate reality expressing the Word of Truth: The Living Truth is the Life! Let there be life as against death is our ground of being and we must never allow anything to move us out of this fundamental structure of order in the universe. The world of Life has superseded the world of Death and the Ekwueme exists in the wholeness of eternity to bear witness to the Truth of the divine birth of EKUMEKU in the Holy Name of AMUN in whom all Truth resides.
We must understand that our religion of Truth is a matter of conscience. The Chosen One admonishes against violence. Nobody should be harmed simply because he is not a devoted follower of the Divine Plan of the One Creator of the universe. But nobody also should stand against the world mission of Nzoputa Uwa. Where the rights of the unbeliever stop is where the rights of the Believer begin. To the extent that the unbeliever is given the freedom of choice not to believe in EKUMEKU, it is to the same extent that the Believer has the freedom of choice to believe in EKUMEKU. Those who trample on the rights of the Believer must expect an equal and opposite reaction from the living Haremakhet for nobody has an exclusive monopoly to violence.
Without any doubt, there is an eternal struggle between the forces of MAAT and the forces of ISFET. It is this mighty struggle between the forces of MAAT and the forces of ISFET, between good and evil, that determines the human consciousness in the universe of life. Thus, the battleground for this eternal struggle between the world of EKUMEKU and the world of Ekwensu is the consciousness of what it means to be fully human. Whatever may be the case, the battle for the consciousness of what it means to be fully human is won through the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU for the individual Chi; while the battle is lost when the human spirit lives and dies in agreement with Nsi, entangled with evil in the vicious circle of eternal death.
The human being par excellence would always exist in the wholeness of eternity through the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU in disagreement with Nsi, free and unfettered. What must be acted upon by the Ekwueme People of Truth in this mighty struggle, between good and evil, is the condition of living in agreement with Nsi upon which the Ekwensu people live in ignorance of EKUMEKU. No doubt, the Truth of the One Creator of the universe is the ultimate reality through the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU. With the devotion of purpose in EKUMEKU, the Truth becomes the ultimate reality in the life of the individual Ekwueme.
The EKUMEKU Vision of Existence is a great awakening, which originated from the divine intervention of the One Creator of the universe on the First year of Nzoputa Uwa as THE HOLY ANKHUWA bears witness. This great awakening to the Word of Truth began on the First year of Nzoputa Uwa, for the Truth purifies, as it becomes the process of purification from the condition of living in agreement with Nsi, manifesting the historical process of Nzoputa Uwa. Thus, once we are awakened to the Word of Truth all things shall become new as we become capable of seeing things as they really are and our lives will never be the same again. All things that are real can now become graspable because of the power of Truth, for nothing surpasses the Truth in all things. When we are elevated to this realm of Truth as we overcome evil by doing good, we are transformed and the process of our regeneration becomes a reality that can never be doubted, with the profession of the Truth. Let it then be known that it is the violations of the laws of human morality by the world of Faith that brought into existence the revolt against the Age of Faith and ultimately the reason for the coming into existence of the Age of Truth.
Employing the pre-established categories of the preceded cultures, the people of Faith built a world that was mostly based on myth. Without acknowledging or giving due credit to the cultures that they had borrowed from, the people of Faith created the false impression of standing on an original thought. But they have historically claimed wrongly to have been inspired from the purity of thought. Yet on a closer examination, their so-called inspiration is nothing but a copied rearrangement that can be traced to its source of the original thought. They misrepresented their myths as historical; while the Truth points the direction from where the copied rearrangement of the past were made to appear as if it were historical.
There is nobody that can deny the Truth unless the Truth is ignored, falsified, or manipulated to serve the vested interest of a questionable group who may not be interested in the Truth because of narrow-mindedness. The Ekwueme People of Truth have come into existence by the movement of Nzoputa Uwa so that the Truth may be restored in the human life. We fight against ignorance, falsehood and deception of the world of Ekwensu. Because of having experienced the majestic ground of the Living Truth, the myths of Faith appear to us as externalized neurosis that had been fossilized in time. Certainly, the myths of Faith are on a ground, a world apart, separate from the true reality of the human life, making them unprovable and unbelievable. The people of Faith misconceived lightness and darkness with the values of good and evil; while associating them with their skin color contraption which devalued blackness and overvalued whiteness. Wherefore, the people of Faith have violated the laws of human morality in their vain attempt to make the black humanity the outcasts within the human family.
This world vision of EKUMEKU historically began on the First year of Nzoputa Uwa, with the well documented Theory of "WHITE MAGIC: The Origins and Ideas of Black Mental & Cultural Colonialism", which was a mighty revolt against the vulgar black image that depicted the black humanity as caricatures of humanity and also as outcasts with no history and contribution to human development. With the end of Oge Nzuzu, the time of Nzoputa Uwa came into existence through the divine intervention of the One Creator of the universe. Therefore, nothing can stop the time of Nzoputa Uwa because the Truth cannot exist without time. Thus, the Pure Thought of EKUMEKU is eternal since the Truth is supreme in all things. From the historical moment of its Immaculate Conception, the world vision of EKUMEKU separated itself from the fables of Faith that are embedded in the myths of the religions of ISFET.
The world of EKUMEKU and the world of Ekwensu must be understood. If we are to apprehend the EKUMEKU Vision of Existence, we must yield our minds to the redemptive message of Nzoputa Uwa. It is from the Truth that we ought to derive the faith of who we are. But the religions of ISFET made their respective Faiths superior to the Truth and thus went contrary to the ultimate reality of the human life. If we were to believe in their Faith which is based on their false belief that blacks are outcasts and are the inferior caricatures of humanity, then we would be ignorant of the Truth. No doubt, faith ought to be subordinated to the Truth for it is only the Truth that is supreme. One man’s Faith may be another man’s poison. But the Truth encompasses the all in the oneness of being. Because Faith is a firm belief in something for which there is no iota of proof, it has historically been susceptible to abuse by demagogues, racists, tribalists, etc., in order for them to profit in error and injustice.
There is nothing in the human life that can be an equal to the Truth. Without the Truth, the human life loses its full meaning and purpose. Whatever that is pure in thought is derived from the Truth because it is diametrically opposed to ignorance, falsehood and deception. We must be guided by the Truth as opposed to being guided by the Faith of others who are only motivated by the selfish interest to dominate others.With the knowledge of the Truth, we become capable of entering into the actual field of time. But Faith does not lead anybody into the field of time; instead, it creates a time capsule, frozen in a past time, encapsulated in a cluster unprovable in historical time, a closed circuit.
The people of Faith have ignorantly refused to open their minds against the closed circuit of which they had entrapped themselves because of the fear of the Truth. Neither are they willing to allow it to open on its own accord for they do not get the eternal message of the Truth. Rather, what is of serious concern to the people of Faith is the imperialistic thrust of pushing an outdated and out of place dogma with a new twist, spinning with different forms of disguise, constantly being rearranged and projected in order for them to profit in error and injustice.
The Truth is supreme, its value is everlasting and it has remained the basis of moral judgment since the beginning of creation and so it is morally binding. The Truth is what matters to the Ekwueme People of Truth and the Ankh is our symbol of the Life in Truth. The Chosen One is the Man of Truth and the Truth surpasses all things, since it has brought into universal awareness a new world civilization that would transform human thought and behavior. The Law of Truth deals with consequences that cannot exist without the reality of justice in the human life. The testimony of the Word of Truth began with the Chosen One of Nzoputa Uwa.
The following four fundamental elements are the necessary principles needed in the manifestation of the power in the outer unity of the Ekwueme People of Truth. The first element of EKUMEKU is Nkwekolita, the affirmation of the revealed Truth in its transcendental reality, that is exclusive and original without any comparison to any other, with the metaphysics to wield all the devoted followers together in outer unity. It is without any doubt the Nkwekolita of EKUMEKU: The Creator is One. The One is AMUN and the Divine Plan is EKUMEKU. This Nkwekolita sums up the fundamental Truth of what it means to be an Ekwueme as follows: “I Believe that there is only One Creator of the universe. I Believe that the One Creator of the universe is AMUN in whom we trust. I Believe that EKUMEKU is the Divine Plan of the One Creator of the universe. And, I Believe that there is no other Creator of the universe but AMUN in whom we must trust. OTUA-KA-ODI!” In order for any human spirit to be recognized as an Ekwueme, this fundamental Truth must be declared or professed publicly in the presence of at least one bonafide Ekwueme who would bear witness to its confession.
The second element is the eternal message as it has been testified in THE HOLY ANKHUWA for the world mission of Nzoputa Uwa....the revelation of the Truth. The study and mastership of the Word of Truth implies that meditation and contemplation is also a process of penetrating into the interior world of Life which is in correspondence with the originality of Nkwekolita of which one must have professed publicly. The purity of THE HOLY ANKHUWA manifests the transparency of the Word of Truth and the power of the knowledge which it holds for those who have the intelligent discipline to meditate on its eternal message. By virtue of the devotion of purpose, we are able to contemplate and to be in accord with the divine order of the universe as the devoted followers of the Divine Plan of the One Creator of the universe, in order not to subvert the equilibrium that ought to exist in the mighty struggle between the forces of MAAT and the forces of ISFET. Everyone must be responsible and capable of giving account of his or her own life Here on the Day of the Last Judgment when conscience shall be judged for its own sake. The freedom of choice that is implied and expressed in the eternal message of EKUMEKU demands that no one can escape the Last Judgment of conscience for the responsibility of following the Divine Plan of Creation in this life is the criterion of human freedom. Wherefore, the volition to live according to the Divine Plan of AMUN in whom we trust is the true Path of the Ekwueme.
The third element is the heart of the Ekwueme which is signified by the term Harembetism. Upon conversion, that is to say being born again, the human spirit is harembetized to live the life of the converted or transformed human being, the Ekwueme, who lives MAAT by renouncing ISFET through the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU. There is nothing in creation that expresses the truthfulness of the human life far greater than the harembetized human being, a bonafide Ekwueme. According to THE HOLY ANKHUWA, “Harembetism is the identification of the New Believer with the Almighty Spirit of EKUMEKU. It represents (or symbolizes) the death of the old Ekwensi life of being in agreement with Nsi in the dead end nature of the world of Ekwensu; and the resurrection of the individual Chi in its disagreement with Nsi.” Thus, the human spirit can never become a true living Haremakhet without having been harembetized. The human spirit is harembetized because the individual has accepted the Truth of the divine birth and has confessed EKUMEKU as the eternal Savior and Redeemer of all humanity in the Spirit of MAAT.
The fourth element in the life of the Ekwueme is the Haremakhet. The Ekwueme is the living Haremakhet because the devoted follower of the Divine Plan of the One Creator of the universe has been harembetized in the Almighty Spirit of EKUMEKU. The Haremakhet is the living witness to the Ozioma of Truth which has enjoined that every new Believer ought to declare his or her Nkwekolita without any duress or compulsion. The human spirit is harembetized by the living Haremakhet because of the assumptions of the attainment of the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU.
The Haremakhet is the Holy Temple of the Spirit of Truth and the Haremakhet is truly the embodiment of the Almighty Spirit of EKUMEKU. Therefore, the Haremakhet is the abiding spirit of the Living Truth in the Holy Name of AMUN in whom we trust. In other words, with the revealed Truth of THE HOLY ANKHUWA, is the mission of the Chosen One of Nzoputa Uwa and the Haremakhet exists in the wholeness of eternity to bear witness to its eternal message of salvation.
In the Spirit of MAAT, I am
Chukwudi, Onye-Nzoputa-Uwa.