The Function of the Ekwueme Haremakhet!
The Haremakhet exists to bring the inner experience of the Ekwueme into the outer life of the Ekwueme People of Truth. It is the center from where all energies are united and gathered for the fulfillment of the Divine Plan of the One Creator of the universe. The Haremakhet is the Holy Body of EKUMEKU, the central element representing the physical presence of the Ekwueme People of Truth in any given environment and also the manifest expression of the Ekwueme identity, symbol of self-definition and the center that focuses purely for the worship of the One Creator of the universe. Without any doubt, the Haremakhet is central to the self-understanding and self-definition of the Holy Mission of Nzoputa Uwa, of what it means to be an Ekwueme and it represents an essential symbol that gathers and unites the human spirit in the spiritual quest of realizing the oneness of being. In the world of EKUMEKU, Life truly begins at that moment of consciousness when the human spirit has really become aware of the field of the time of Nzoputa Uwa and is no longer innocent of the struggle between the Ekwueme People of Truth and the Ekwensu people of Faith.
The Haremakhet is the spiritual center manifesting the Ekwueme Universal Life from which we can be able to understand and comprehend the flow of everything in all directions. The passage of the field of time and space into the field of eternal life can never be fully understood without the function of the Haremakhet. Its function can help the human spirit to enter into the sphere of the Pure Spirit, which transcends all conditions and circumstances. On the other hand, to enter into the sphere of Pure Thought, the human spirit must stop yielding to the flow of life in agreement with Nsi and this is the great mystery of the Ekwueme Universal Life. The sphere of the Physical Senses is not to be refuted but to be transcended when it has been made subject to and servant to the sphere of the Pure Thought.
The function of the Haremakhet also cannot be understood without the function of conscience in its potentiality to be true to itself in actuality. Therefore, the Haremakhet represents the idea of death to the past when the human spirit had lived in agreement with Nsi; and thus it represents the true symbol of spiritual birth of the human conscience or the resurrection of the individual consciousness of the Chi in the human life. Since the Ekwueme Universal Life does not occur in the physical birth, it is in the spiritual birth, which is the second birth that the virgin birth of the Ekwueme Universal Life is made manifest in the image of EKUMEKU. We are reborn spiritually by becoming the living Haremahket.
The spiritual power that brings forth the second birth is the eternal Truth of the divine birth of EKUMEKU and the Haremakhet is formed by the Spirit of Truth. The function of the Haremakhet is to cultivate the potentiality of conscience that it may be true to itself. It is not the function of the Haremakhet to make itself the conscience of the individual; but instead it is to cultivate the potentiality of the individual conscience to self-realize the Truth that it may actualize its own potentials. That is why, the Haremakhet functions as the symbolic representation of our identity as the Ekwueme People of Truth, recognizing that its authority is inseparable from the everlasting Truth of the One Creator of the universe.
The images that we ought to create about the Haremakhet should be the reflections of the spiritual potentialities of what it means to be an Ekwueme. The Haremakhet functions as the vehicle of the energy, manifestation and purveyor, of the Ekwueme Universal Life. No doubt, the Haremakhet is not the source of the Truth but instead it is the spiritual vehicle of the Ekwueme Universal Life and the function of the vehicle is determined by its character. The Haremakhet is immanent in its ground of being conscious and it exists to inform all things and all lives about the eternal Truth of the divine birth of EKUMEKU.
Thr authority of the Haremakhet is its determinate character as the spiritual vehicle that purveys and manifests the Revelation of EKUMEKU in the Life of Chukwudi, and can only be based on the universal message of THE HOLY ANKHUWA, making it an equivalent to the living Haremakhet. Wherefore, the Haremakhet is the image; while the Ekwueme is the human embodiment of the Living Truth.
The Haremakhet also functions as the connecting link between the world of Ekwensu and the world of EKUMEKU, between the world of Death and the world of Life, between the forces of ISFET and the forces of MAAT, etc., because it represents the totality and unity of what it means to be an Ekwueme in interdependence with the inexhaustible source of creation as it manifests the spiritual potentialities of every one of us. It functions as the axis or hub where the movement of time and the stillness of eternity are in a corresponding relationship in the realization of the historical process of Nzoputa Uwa and the fulfillment of the Divine Plan of AMUN in whom we trust. The Haremakhet exists in the wholeness of eternity to proclaim the eternal Truth of the divine birth of EKUMEKU on the Second year of Nzoputa Uwa without any fear or favor. Consequently, the Haremakhet serves to distinguish whatever that is endurable from what is temporary and passing away by being a reflection of what is good against what is evil. The function of the Haremakhet in the experience of the eternal is to be the spiritual vehicle for the Nkuzimatization of the human spirit from one generation to another generation without any deviation from the divine principle of Nzoputa Uwa. Therefore, the character of the Haremakhet is sublime because it has an everlasting quality to do good by overcoming evil, being the purveyor of the radiance in the experience of giving meaning and purpose to the human life.
We must be aware that the dominant function of the Haremakhet is the actualization of the potentiality of conscience that it may be true to itself. This function of the Haremakhet must be understood as the spiritual vehicle that exists to manifest the true image of the world of EKUMEKU, as the world of Life in its struggle against the world of Death.
No unbeliever must be allowed to enter into the sanctified inner sanctuary of the established Haremaklhet for whatever reason or purpose. If for whatever reason or purpose, an unbeliever is found inside the sanctified inner sanctuary of the Haremakhet, it must be realized that the Ekwensi has defiled the sanctity of the sanctuary and must be judged accordingly. There is no room in the sanctified sanctuary of the Haremakhet for an unbeliever and the Ekwensi who dares to venture into the sanctified sanctuary of the Haremakhet must face the ultimate consequences of such a defiling action. But the unbelievers, those who are seekers of the Truth, can be accepted in the Outer Chamber or Court of the Haremakhet and may join the congregation for worship based on stipulated regulations by the priesthood of the Haremakhet.
The living Haremakhet is the professional priesthood which is recognized by ordination to render spiritual services in accordance to the teachings of THE HOLY ANKHUWA. The volition to be free from Nsi must disassociate itself completely from those who live in agreement with Nsi, from whatever that is associated with any form of Nsi and from whatsoever that is dead in Nsi, that they must not be associated or found in the sanctified inner sanctuary of the Haremakhet. The sanctified inner sanctuary of the Haremakhet must be free from Nsi and unfettered in any form of agreement with Nsi.
Wherefore, the function of the Haremakhet manifests itself as the volition to be free from Nsi that the One Creator of the universe may be worshiped in the Spirit of Truth in time and in eternity. Let it be known that the human being par excellence has the human freedom to worship only the One Creator of the universe and the Haremakhet represents this freedom of worship according to the dictates of the individual conscience, and no human authority may in any case interfere or suppress the freedom of conscience of the Ekwueme People of Truth in their devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU. Thus, the function of the Haremakhet exists for the eternal worship of the One Creator of the universe for the fulfillment of the Divine Plan of AMUN in whom we trust.
In other words, the Ekwueme Haremakhet stands on its own Truth, comparable to no other except its universal character. The definition of the Haremakhet is Heru Kabaka and it means the sanctified sanctuary of the Spirit of Truth, representing the triumphant victory of the Almighty Spirit of EKUMEKU against Nsi. No doubt, the Haremakhet represents the victory of the Higher Self against the Lower Self in the Spirit of MAAT. The function of the Ekwueme Haremakhet is to champion, promote and propagate the Truth of the divine birth of EKUMEKU with its supreme vision of Nzoputa Uwa in order to fulfill the Holy Cause of EKUMEKU in every generation. The Haremakhet, therefore, ought to function as the spiritual vehicle for the life changing experience of the Ekwueme People of Truth in their struggle to displace ISFET and restore MAAT as the dominant consciousness in the universe of Life. Wherefore, the Haremakhet functions as the standard operative model in the struggle to overcome evil by doing good for the common good of all humanity. OTUA-KA-ODI!
In the Spirit of MAAT, I am
Wherever there is a bona-fide Ekwueme, there is a living Haremakhet and the living Haremakhet functions as the embodiment of the Almighty Spirit of EKUMEKU.