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The Legacy of the Age of Faith in World History

The Legacy of the Age of Faith in World History!

What we properly call the Age of Faith began with the Hebrews. Before the Age of Faith, there were its forerunners that can be personalized by the few historical characters who prepared the way for the Age of Faith. Akhenaten was one of them, the original Prince of Peace. Zarathushtra (Zoroaster) and Manichean were also forerunners of the Age of Faith. Manu and Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) were also contributors to the process that led to the Age of Faith. These were all great thinkers of integrity and of powerful determination. But they did not usher in the Age of Faith. They formulated many of the notions and concepts which were later fashioned and developed further to bring into existence the Age of Faith.

The Age of Faith singularly began with the ancient Hebrews. The Age of Faith is a belief system that has endured for sometime before it was superseded by the Age of Truth; and it is based on a firm belief that there is something that is called an Angel and that Angels exist. Whatever it is, the whole notion of Angels belongs to the Age of Faith and it is of no value in this New Age of Truth. When we realize the true import of this fact, the mindset of the Age of Faith would no longer be a mystery.

We the Ekwueme People of Truth do not believe that Angel or Angels exist. Most of the founders of the religions of Faith believed that an Angel or Angels spoke to them and gave them instructions on what to do. On the contrary, we the Ekwueme People of Truth do not believe that there is anything at all that can be called an Angel or Angels, except as a created image in the form of an externalized neurosis.

The Ekwensu people of Faith have a firm belief in the existence of Angels of which there has never been any proof. It is in the same way that the Ekwensu people of Faith have a firm belief that black is the color of evil of which there is no proof. Therefore, the Ekwueme People of Truth are diametrically opposed to the Ekwensu people of Faith whose firm beliefs in many things have no proof.

Can you imagine the mindset that can give names to things that do not exist? O yes, the Angels even have names and yet nobody has ever seen an Angel. All that we hear about Angels we read or we are told. We are told that they are white and not black but none whatsoever has seen them anywhere. There is no mystery to this; instead, it is untenable to us. Wherefore, Angels do not exist and I am quite sure of this fact. And yet the notion of Angels is the singular legacy of the Age of Faith on the one hand. On the other hand, the degradation of blackness is the actual legacy of the Age of Faith. The numerous doctrines of the Age of Faith, however, may presently seem to be without coherence. But they are rooted in a single basic conviction, to wit that there is something called an Angel or that Angels do exist.

This legacy of the Age of Faith is the single basic conviction that was used to justify not only its theology but also it determined the forms of ideas that shaped the Age of Faith. In fact, we can never understand the Age of Faith without knowing that the founding people of Faith used the notion of Angels as a means to communicate their thoughts and to justify the thoughts that they believed to be very important to their followers. Because we the Ekwueme People of Truth have transcended the Age of Faith with its beliefs, it is important to understand that the Age of Faith depended on the notion of Angels as the singular means of justifying itself. Without the belief in Angels, with wings and human body, most of the doctrines of the Age of Faith would lose their coherence. Therefore, the legacy of the Age of Faith is the notion of Angels which were projected as if to say that they speak like human beings but have wings like birds.

But there is also another legacy of the Age of Faith which is the one that animates the notion of Angels. It is the skin color contraption of the religions of ISFET that had provided the motive power for the orchestrated belief in Angels. The motivation behind the belief in Angels is the skin color contraption that devalued blackness and overvalued whiteness. That there is something called an Angel or that Angels exist must be understood to be a product of the Age of Faith. Whosoever believe in such a thing as an Angel must be considered to belong to the expired Age of Faith and must not be associated with this New Age of Truth.

At the same time, the skin color contraption of the religions of ISFET is also the product of the Age of Faith. How can the Ekwensu people have a firm belief that black is the color of evil without any proof? It is only by Faith can somebody believe that the color of evil is black. We do not believe in such monstrosity. We do however believe that skin color has little to do with evil, that evil exists in every shade of skin color. We believe that the notion of an Angel or Angels is only the figment of the imagination of a closed minded people, the externalized neurosis of the Ekwensu people of Faith.

Therefore, whatever that has been written about the blackness of evil or about the existence of Angels can never be accepted as fact or as valid by the Ekwueme People of Truth. Whatever that the Ekwensu people of Faith profess to belief that has no proof or that cannot be validated with genuine proof in the ultimate unity of the human experience must never be accepted as fact by the Ekwueme People of Truth.

How can somebody have a firm belief that black is the embodiment of evil without any proof and expect a black man like myself to accept such a nonsense? We must never keep silent about such a poisonous notion, for when we keep silent it means that we agree with it. We must disagree with the skin color contraption of the religions of ISFET in our thought, word and deed so that the majestic aim of the Truth may be fulfilled.

Evil as the negative aspect of what is good has no direct relationship with any skin color. There is no skin color that possesses the exclusive monopoly to do evil or the exclusive monopoly to do good. The notion of Faith that had created the false impression that blackness is the embodiment of evil is patently wrong and must never be accepted by the Ekwueme People of Truth. If we are to be reactionaries, we would have reversed the skin color contraption. But it will only provide a temporary relief to the problem. What is important however is not reaction but the Truth of the matter. The black skinned people must be judged based on the content of their character; just as white people must be judged on the content of their character. We cannot pretend to do otherwise.

The role EKUMEKU has played in the emergence of the New Age of Truth and will continue to play in creating an understanding of the human life and of the relationship between the Ekwueme and the Ekwensi is fundamental for the future of world history. The Truth of the divine birth of EKUMEKU having superseded the Age of Faith must be distinguished clearly from what had existed previously during the time of Oge Nzuzu. The definitions of what is black and what is white have already been transformed from what they were projected to be during the Age of Faith. The Age of Faith was notorious for stigmatizing the black skinned people, through the obnoxious skin color contraption of the religions of ISFET, projecting the black humanity to represent the embodiment of what is absolutely evil without any moral justifications, using skin color as the focus of its human morality. This we have completely rejected in this new dispensation of the Age of Truth. We are aware that the Age of Faith abused human morality by associating the black skinned humanity with what is dishonorable, impure, evil and ugly in the vain attempt to make the black skin synonymous with darkness.

Let it be known that blackness is the epitome of what is pure, good, upright, honorable and excellent to the same extent that whiteness can also be. For example, beauty is subjective and it can be both black and white. Everyone may have a preference between black and white. But nobody has the power to impose one’s preference over other people’s preference as the absolute Truth. One man’s meat may be another man’s poison. I may like chocolate and you may like vanilla but that does not make you more beautiful than myself. Even if you were to do such nonsense, it will be wrong for me to allow you to impose your prejudices on me. OTUA-KA-ODI!

In the Spirit of MAAT, I am


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