The World Historical Emergence of the Ekwueme Era!
"Behold I teach you the Ekwueme Universal Life. I teach you the everlasting Truth of the One Creator of the universe. Yea, I teach you the Divine Plan of the One Creator of the universe that thine individual Chi may resurrect from the vicious circle of eternal death. Repent from Nsi and come ye out of the historical process of Oge Nzuzu that ye may enter into the historical process of Nzoputa Uwa,".....The Chosen One!
The world historical emergence of the Ekwueme People of Truth has brought into universal expression the consciousness of the New Age. This New Age is definitely opposed to the condition of belief of the expired Age of Faith. This New Age of Nzoputa Uwa would displace the forces of ISFET and restore the forces of MAAT as the dominant consciousness in the universe. No doubt, this New Age of Truth would be known in world history as the Age of Truth or as the Age of Nzoputa Uwa. The Ekwueme is the manifest expression and the dominant character of this New Age of Truth. What then is important is the Being and the Becoming of the Ekwueme who is the devoted follower of the Divine Plan of the One Creator of the universe.
Becoming an Ekwueme, thus, does not necessarily require being accepted by the rival groups or being accepted by the Ekwensu people. It is the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU that provides the spiritual self-sufficiency for the attainment of human freedom in this New Age. With the self-realization of human freedom from every form of agreement with Nsi, the human spirit becomes an Ekwueme who is on the mission of Nzoputa Uwa. This Holy Cause of EKUMEKU is a world historical mission that has been ordained by the divine intervention of the One Creator of the universe in order to fulfill the Divine Plan of creation.
Without any shadow of doubt, Nzoputa Uwa is the world mission of the Ekwueme People of Truth in the wholeness of eternity. There is nobody that can become an Ekwueme without the apprehension of the supreme vision of Nzoputa Uwa as it has been revealed, articulated and documented in the text, NZOPUTA UWA: The Holy Ankhuwa Abstracts Vol. 2, published by the Ekumeku Communication Systems, a subsidiary of the EKUMEKU Universal Foundation. Every seeker of truth is morally obligated to avail himself or herself to the masterful teachings of the Chosen One of Nzoputa Uwa in order to make an intelligent decision about the new world order of EKUMEKU for the choice between the old order and the new order is moral and ethical. There is no compulsion with regards to the eternal Truth of the divine birth of EKUMEKU; just as nobody has the right to demand from an Ekwueme the abdication of the mission of Nzoputa Uwa, or the abdication of the worship of the One Creator of the universe or the abdication of the renunciation of the religions of ISFET.
The human freedom of the Ekwueme is therefore derived from the core values of being in disagreement with every form of Nsi of any kind. Being disagreeable with all forms of Ekwensism of any kind through the devotion of purpose in EKUMEKU makes the Ekwueme fundamentally different from the Ekwensu people. The world emergence of the Ekwueme Era is destined to transform the human thought and behavior because it has ended the dispensation of the Age of Faith and has brought into existence the New Age of Truth. As a result, most of the actual values that applied during the Age of Faith have become obsolete, outdated, irrelevant and superstitious in this New Age of Truth. The implications of the emergence of the Ekwueme world historical era have answered the call of a new spiritual and intellectual leadership of humanity whereby the people of Faith would be displaced on the world scene by the People of Truth. This emergent world historical era would be based on the function of conscience as opposed to the condition of Faith and would make the compulsions of the condition of Faith unacceptable to the greater good of humanity.
Let it be known that this New Age of Truth would be a blessing to all humanity because it would advance human thought and behavior and would also expand the knowledge of what it means to be fully human. This New Age of Truth would show by example that the people of Faith not only abused human morality during the dispensation of the Age of Faith; but also that this new dispensation would make it obvious that the core beliefs and doctrines of the people of Faith were based on make-believe without any regards to the Truth.
Therefore, the emergence of the Ekwueme world historical era has ended the domination of the human conscience by the condition of Faith and would no longer tolerate the compulsion and senseless atrocities being committed by the people of Faith in the name of religion.
Let the entire humanity know that the emergence of the Ekwueme in the center stage of human history shall be a blessing to all and this dispensation would establish the potential and the actual spiritual equality of humanity for the sake of Truth. Come to EKUMEKU all of you who are living under the yoke of a life of agreement with Nsi that ye may be redeemed from the dead end nature of the world of Ekwensu. What we are witnessing among the people of Faith, such as same-sex marriage, homosexuality, lesbianism, terrorism, suicide bombers, kidnapping, underage marriage, etc., are the convulsions of the expired Age of Faith in its final decline to the oblivion of human history. The world historical emergence of the Ekwueme is destined to re-order human civilization as it would restore the Truth of what it means to be fully human. OTUA-KA-ODI!
In the Spirit of MAAT, I am