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The Ideological View of EKUMEKU on Skin Color

The Ideological View of EKUMEKU On Skin Color!

The religions of ISFET have no human morality because they were based on the obnoxious skin color contraption, that is designed to degrade and devalue the humanity of the black skinned people. The Ekwueme People of Truth know this as the underlying reason why the followers of the religions of ISFET made everything black to be the embodiment of evil and as they made everything white to represent the embodiment of what is good. Whatever the followers of the religions of ISFET conceive or conceptualize as evil was always depicted in the phantom black image that they had created. Thus, the followers of the religions of ISFET created their own black image, a phantom image, and made it the archetype of all evil in their struggle to make the darkness of the night synonymous with the black skinned people. This ideological view of the religions of ISFET on skin color was a serious attempt to make the black skinned people the outcasts within the human family. Nevertheless, it is a grave moral error for the religions of ISFET to use skin color and its contraption as the focus of their consciousness.

Since we are the People of Truth, it is very important that the ideological view of EKUMEKU on skin color is given a basic framework of understanding so that nobody may be confused on where we stand on the matter of skin color. In the fullness of time, if it were to be said that those who placed an implacable curse on the black image were unable to repent, they are doomed to perish because the judgment of the Truth is already against them and their posterity. We are not interested in the make-believe drama of public apology. What they must do is to humble themselves, amend their bigoted life by repentance through the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU. Already, they are in the abyss of Ekwensism and the Chosen One has offered them the spiritual ladder that they need to climb out of the abyss of their false and wicked notions of an inherited aptitude based on skin color. We are not interested in revenge; instead, we are fully aware that the Cause of the Truth shall be served through divine justice. Why? This is because the Chosen One is the perfect witness of divine justice.

Let us not waste our time worrying whether they will repent or not for the Truth shall be our witness. The time of Oge Nzuzu had ended and we are now in the time of Nzoputa Uwa. They had their chance but they were carried away by arbitrary power and they misused it believing that there is no Creator of the universe, acting with compulsion in total disregard to the function of conscience. Not knowing that everything which has a beginning must also have an ending, what they did and justified with skin color is atrocious and has never been done before in the entire history of the human life.

If we are to begin to record the immoralities and the senseless atrocities that were committed by the followers of the religions of ISFET because of a false idea, because of the skin color contraption of the religions of ISFET with the sole motive of revenge, there would be no hope for humanity. Nevertheless, we shall record the fundamentals for the sake of the Truth; but it must never be for revenge but rather it shall be for justice to take its course. What we know as the spirit of history does not die; but instead, it lives on as the spirit of the world from one cycle to another cycle. When this is understood and apprehended in its intrinsic dynamism, it explains why the Truth alone is supreme and eternal. Each cycle creates its own contradictions and it would take the in-coming cycle to reconcile the previous contradictions and in the process would also create its own contradictions that will be reconciled by the succeeding cycle.

Let it be known that the skin color contraption of the religions of ISFET was the diabolical instrument that powered the victimization of the black skinned humanity and it is also the underlying instrument used to justify the atrocities committed against the black skinned humanity. Now that we know the whole Truth, the question is: Where do we go from here? And, the answer is the ideological view of EKUMEKU on skin color.

Even as we know that the followers of the religions of ISFET generally did never judge the black humanity based on the content of character; but instead, they based their judgment of the black humanity on the ideological view of their skin color contraption, we must struggle to avoid being trapped in the same erroneous conception of the human life. We must listen to the voice of the Truth in our heart and struggle to do better than what they have done by allowing justice to take its course. But we must be very careful and not get carried away by make-believe and double talk. The cause of justice cannot exist without the consciousness of the majestic aim of the Truth. The spiritual and intellectual leadership of humanity can no longer be understood without the Ekwueme People of Truth, and they must bear the burden of leadership with integrity and moral responsibility so that the majestic aim of the Truth may be realized.

Let it be known that the Ekwensu people of Faith do not believe in the Truth of the One Creator of the universe. If they were to believe in the Truth, they would have known that skin color must never be used as the basis of human morality. In contrast, the Ekwueme People of Truth believe in the Truth of the One Creator of the universe; and as a result, they ought not to think like the Ekwensu people of Faith. Whereas, the Ekwensu people of Faith abused human morality through their skin color contraption of biological determinism, the Ekwueme People of Truth shall restore human morality by recognizing that there is only One Creator of the universe. The oneness of being cannot exist without the Truth of the One Creator of the universe.

But the Ekwensu people of Faith, in their skin color contraption, conceive of the universe from the standpoint of the separateness of being. The evidence for the unity of being goes against the Ekwensu people’s perception of reality because they worship the created images of the human mind instead of the One Creator of the universe. The religions of ISFET have a diabolical tradition of disregarding the ultimate unity that underlies all reality in their fundamental ontology of the universe. Yet the assumption of the separateness of being, as manifested especially in their skin color contraption, was invalid because the oneness of being makes unity the essential basis of the human experience. Thus, we reject the biological determinism of the Ekwensu people of Faith as not being a valid explanation of skin color and its contraption which became a weapon of destruction.

On the contrary, the cultural determinism that is the EKUMEKU view of skin color is the conception that all is ultimately one in the realm of the human experience. We must not separate ourselves from our essential unity because of skin color differences. No doubt, skin color is a reality but the content of the character of the human being should serve as the constructive basis of dealing with the differences in skin color. In other words, the Ekwueme People of Truth are free, their freedom from all forms of agreement with the obnoxious skin color contraption of the religions of ISFET must not be doubted. But this freedom comes with the moral responsibility to chart a new course for humanity and to assume the spiritual and intellectual leadership of humanity.

There is a unifying principle that is inherent in culture that can be applied as a common denominator among all peoples without regards to skin color. Cultural expression can be unobtrusive to everyone when it is used as a constructive and positive force which can easily be identified with our aspiration to overcome evil by doing good.

Wherefore, the ideological position of EKUMEKU on skin color is cultural determinism as opposed to biological determinism. This ideology helps the Ekwueme to be consistent and consistency makes it possible for one to defend his or her ideas and their expression. It must clearly be understood that we are not pro-white people; rather, we are anti-White Magic. The Ekwueme is a warrior in battle to combat the evils of White Magic because the enemy is White Magic. This fundamental philosophical presupposition underlies the universal message of EKUMEKU. We recognize that the problem of the world today is the result of White Magic, which has created enormous ecological and moral decline on the planet.

White Magic is the extreme materialistic tendency that encourages the abuse of human morality and the consequent destruction of the ecology of the planet because of the ignorance of EKUMEKU. Its manifestation underscores the misapplication of the universal principles of life because it is based on the worship of the created images of the human mind instead of the worship of the One Creator of the universe. No doubt, our primary mission is to save ourselves from this path to destruction. But it is obvious that we cannot save ourselves from the evils of White Magic, if we are incapable of saving the rest of humanity. This is because we do not exist in isolation from other peoples of the world. However, in order to save humanity, we must first save ourselves, by undergoing mental and moral revolution, and by transcending lower laws and applying the higher laws of the universe. The supreme principle of EKUMEKU teaches us that we must be the manifest expression of our belief system in word and in deed. We must reject ignorance and hatred and seek to understand the internal dynamics governing human existence.

The EKUMEKU ideological position warns that it is easy to blame other people for one’s problems. History has taught us that in every human struggle, there is bound to be winners and losers. The same history also taught us that today’s winners are tomorrow’s losers, if and when the losers become capable of minimizing their weaknesses and maximizing their strengths. Since there is no condition that is permanent, the human struggle for hegemony swings like a pendulum in time. But this struggle for power should always be based primarily on a worldview. Similarly, there is a relationship between skin color and worldview because both are neither mutually exclusive. The supreme principle of EKUMEKU teaches us that any skin color based philosophy cannot escape from being reactionary. This is because every reactionary philosophy has always been a defense mechanism. Reactionaries most often mistake the symptoms of a problem to be the cause of the problem. Dealing with the symptoms can only provide a temporary relief to a problem. But in the final analysis, the problem will persist because it is impossible to cure a problem without a firm understanding of the cause. Skin color therefore cannot be the basis of a meaningful stimulant for historical change.

Skin color based revolution has never occurred in history and may never occur. Now, this does not mean that people of the same color have never successfully carried out a revolution. What it means is that a revolution must be based on a particular philosophy of reality which must be entrenched in a particular worldview or culture. Skin color based revolution cannot occur because skin color cannot guarantee the same dynamics that one finds in a body of ideas. People of the same skin color do not necessarily think alike, if they are not exposed to the same basic philosophy of reality. Hence, skin color can be an asset or a liability in a revolution depending on the degree of its emphasis in a revolution. However, skin color can be a cohesive element in a revolution if it is used as a secondary stimulant. The success of a revolution is always dependent on its universal appeal, i.e., the universal appeal of its ideas to every section of the populace. Even where every person is of the same skin color, skin color cannot be able to generate the universal appeal necessary for a successful revolution. People are mostly comfortable with ideas because they are conscious of the fact that if the ideas do not work that they can be discarded. But skin color is too permanent, too concrete, to be able to provide the same fluidity found in the body of ideas.

Those who use skin color as the basis of their power more often than not always find themselves on the defensive. This is because it is clear that no group of the human family can play the role of the One Creator of the universe. As a result, those who use skin color as the basis of stimulating historical change will always lose in the battle with their opponents. Therefore, it will be impossible for any skin color based revolution to succeed. Although culture is related to skin color, culture-based revolution succeeds because culture is dynamic and not permanent. A successful revolution must reconcile all the contradictions that exist in a given society. Skin color based revolution cannot reconcile the differences in skin color that may exist in a given environment. For example, a white person cannot become a black person and a black person cannot become a white person. But culture can reconcile the contradictions creating avenues where every member of the society will feel included in the overall scheme of things.

The supreme principle of EKUMEKU is a phenomenon that is based on the knowledge of the self-created principle. The body of ideas that has begun to evolve from the worldview of EKUMEKU have created a new world of ideas that would put the participants in the center stage of world history. We are evolving a new body of knowledge and ideas that have created a vibrant new school of thought. We are building up a new body of facts about the enemy that would entrench ourselves as a powerful force in the global affairs. We have the truthfulness of EKUMEKU which has revealed to us the knowledge of our Creator and the creation of the universe. THE HOLY ANKHUWA has revealed that truth is hidden and fact is self-evident because we apprehend truth when we must have overcome the illusions of fact. According to this worldview, skin color is a fact of life which must be overcome in order to discover what is truthful about life.


Let it be known that Faith is a firm belief in something for which there is no proof. The Ekwensu people of Faith have a firm belief in so many things for which there is no proof. It is only the Ekwensu people of Faith that can believe that everything black is evil. It is only the people of Faith that can believe such a phantom black image. It is only the Ekwensu people of Faith that can believe in the false notion that whatever is evil is black. We the Ekwueme People of Truth do not believe that evil is exclusive only to the color black. Therefore, the Ekwueme People of Truth are in complete disagreement with the Ekwensu people of Faith who have a firm belief that black is the color of evil.

The fundamental principle recognized in EKUMEKU is the Truth; and this supreme principle is the essence that underlies the basis of the whole because it affects everything in the world of Life. The Truth of the divine birth of EKUMEKU is supreme and eternal. Therefore, all notions of faith must be subjective and personal to the individual--and the historical Faith of the religions of ISFET we reject in totality. We reject it completely along with its arbitrary authority. The Ekwensu people objectified faith which was naturally subjective by externalizing their neurosis.

Therefore, the Ekwueme People of Truth are diametrically opposed to the Ekwensu people of Faith whose firm beliefs in many things have no proof. How can the Ekwensu people have a firm belief that black is the color of evil without any proof? It is only by Faith can somebody believe that the color of evil is black. We do not believe in such monstrosity. We do believe however that skin color has nothing to do with evil, that evil exists in every shade of skin pigmentation. We have the superior argument because the Ekwueme People of Truth are now the intellectual and spiritual leaders of humanity. OTUA-KA-ODI!

In the Spirit of MAAT, I am



  1. The Chosen One has taught us the Truth: To conquer and destroy the Other, who is considered evil because of mere skin color differences, for the sake of obstinate power is the focus of consciousness of the followers of the religions of ISFET.

  2. The skin color contraption of the religions of Faith is evil and yet it has been superseded and transcended by the Ekwueme People of Truth.

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