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In the Field of Time, Nzoputa Uwa is Our Historical Process!

In the Field of Time, Nzoputa Uwa is Our Historical Process!

In the world of EKUMEKU, the meaning of the human life at the moment of consciousness when the human spirit has really become aware of the field of time and is no longer innocent of the eternal struggle between the forces of MAAT and the forces of ISFET is fundamental in the individual awakening of the Chi. We must understand that those who are not conscious of time are creatures who do not participate in the field of time. They are literally what we may call the humanoids because they truly do not have any conscience. For the seat of conscience exists at the point of consciousness where the world of Ekwensu and the world of EKUMEKU meet in the field of time. Therefore, the historical process of Nzoputa Uwa is the manifest reality in the world of EKUMEKU that has championed the everlasting Truth of the One Creator of the universe.

In the field of time, it is an irony that the so-called “African time” had been imposed on the people and the people have accepted its arbitrary logic due to the ignorance of EKUMEKU. On the contrary, the Ekwueme People of Truth are very much aware that the entire humanity owe the division of time to the Motherland, where in the Old Kemet the twelve months and the three hundred and sixty-five days of the year, plus the twelve hours of the night and the twelve hours of the day, were discovered by our ancestors. Even the earliest clocks, the Clepsydrae, were the invention of the Old Kemites who are our ancestors.

Why is it then that the descendants of those who made serious discoveries in the field of time are now condemned to the so-called “African time”? And, what is this so-called “African time”? Without any doubt, it is a dead time. “African time” is a borrowed time that is not rooted in the consciousness of the people. It is a spooky time because it is not rooted in the historical process of Nzoputa Uwa. There is no integrity in the so-called “African time” because the people are living for nothing in the dead end nature of the world of Ekwensu. In other words, “African time” is no time at all because it has no integrity and it is going no where. “African time” does not have neither a vision of the world nor a world mission because there is no consciousness that underlies its manifestation. The Ekwueme People of Truth must never associate with the unbelievers for they are not yet capable of participating in the field of time as conscious beings. No doubt, the reckoning of time in the world of Ekwensu has been based on ignorance, falsehood and deception.

Let it be known that the time of Oge Nzuzu is diametrically opposed to the time of Nzoputa Uwa. The so-called “African time” represents nothing but the time of Oge Nzuzu and it is diametrically opposed to the time of Nzoputa Uwa. It is humanly impossible to understand the concept of time without the consciousness of what has made time realizable. For example, when an Ekwueme says that we are on the Twenty-Second year of Nzoputa Uwa, the consciousness that underlies this fact can never be disputed by any bonafide Ekwueme.

The consciousness of time is the battlefield between the forces of MAAT and the forces of ISFET in the eternal struggle to determine or dominate the consciousness of what it means to be fully human. In the Spirit of MAAT, all events in the field of time must be seen from the standpoint of the divine birth of EKUMEKU as advancing the triumph of the Almighty Spirit of Truth against the yoke of living in agreement with Nsi. The time of Nzoputa Uwa must be preserved, protected and transmitted from generation to generation; while we must destroy the so-called “African time”. What makes the unity of consciousness to exist in the time of Nzoputa Uwa is the self-certainty of its origin, of its purpose, of its mission and of its destiny.

According to THE HOLY ANKHUWA, Abstract Version Vol. 1, page 30, Paragraph 2, “The calculation of the time of Nzoputa Uwa in other words began at the divine moment when all things became new. That historical moment of consciousness in time is that point when the One Creator of the universe by divine intervention through the Almighty Spirit of EKUMEKU set into motion the eternal Wheel of Nzoputa Uwa”. On Page 31, the Word of Truth continues: “This calculation of time is the distance that exists between the time of Oge Nzuzu and the time of Nzoputa Uwa. This means that the eternal Wheel of Nzoputa Uwa has been set in motion and it is what is in motion that makes time (realizable)”.

We must destroy the so-called “African time” for it has no integrity and it is completely irrelevant to the future. The tardiness that usually comes with the so-called “African time” can never be understood until one is capable of realizing the consciousness that makes it possible to participate in the field of time. We are very much aware that the unbelievers would always have excuses for their tardiness by justifying the “African time” with one condition or the other. But we the Ekwueme People of Truth say--away with the so-called “African time”-- when dealing with us. The so-called “African Time” is no time at all and those who participate in it can never be a world historical people. They are the marginalized creatures who lack the knowledge of good and evil and are incapable of acting in terms of the reality of the pairs of opposites. They are the Ekwensu people who are very ignorant of EKUMEKU. Whosoever that adheres to the stupid notion of “African time” is incapable of becoming an Ekwueme without repentance. We reject the so-called “African time” in totality and it can never be condoned in the world of EKUMEKU. Wherefore, our frame of reference in the field of time is Nzoputa Uwa and it is upon that basis that we must reckon time.


In the Spirit of MAAT, I am


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