The Struggle Between Faith and Truth!
Rooted in the womb of time, the struggle between the notion of Faith and the idea of Truth can be traced back to the beginning of human development. The notion of Faith must first be understood to have an emotional or sentimental content in the human life; and in its heuristic point of view, Faith is based on the sociology of myth. In contrast, the idea of Truth must first be understood to have its foundation on the sobriety of thought, organic and constitutionally based on the sociology of knowledge in its heuristic point of view, without any effort to fit into pre-established categories.
It can be observed in the notion of Faith that the mythological structure remains constant without any deviation, undertaken in order to formulate an outlook of the world devoid of reason, externalizing neurosis in an imitation of thought. Thus, in Faith, the structure is neurotic when it is compared with the organic structure of Truth. The formation and elaboration of the myths upon which organized Faith is based strike us as conflicted clusters formulated to have given rise from a particular time and in a particular environment. But on a closer examination or investigation, it becomes very clear that the myths were formulated to fit into pre-established categories, arising in part from the records of previous cultural forms.
The central idea is that the struggle between Faith and Truth is fundamental in determining the mindset of the individual, thought and behavior. Before the time of Nzoputa Uwa, the notion of Faith and the idea of Truth were projected to be inseparable, but were understood to be distinct of each other only by a certain class of people. However, the general masses were mostly made to believe that Faith and Truth were synonymous. No doubt, this confusion between the notion of Faith and the idea of Truth during the time of Oge Nzuzu was used to keep the masses of humanity ignorant of their essential nature, that is to say, being ignorant of EKUMEKU.
Underlying all the notions of Faith is a collection of myth that is contrary to the historical fact which is devised and elaborated to serve as a substitute for the Truth. The question may be asked: Why substitute for the Truth instead of asserting the Truth? The answer lies in the processes of the struggle between Faith and Truth. Faith is not Truth but it is often times disguised to appear as the Truth. That the Truth alone is supreme and eternal is the reason why Faith is often disguised as the Truth in order to gain authority.
Organized Faith founded on mythology and supported with codified opinion had made serious attempt during the time of Oge Nzuzu to subvert the Truth and make the particulars of Faith supreme by compulsion and arbitrary force. The function of conscience has been the obstacle that the particulars of Faith constantly fought against in the vain attempt to use Faith as a substitute for Truth. Until the emergence of the Ekwueme People of Truth into the center stage of world history, the people of Faith had subverted the Truth by dominating the human conscience with myths disguised as historical facts.
Once the notion of Faith is defined, it becomes obvious that it is not synonymous with the Truth. Yet the people of Faith tend to confuse and confound the notion of Faith with the idea of Truth. Therefore, Faith is defined as a firm belief in something for which there is no iota of proof. The key phrase here is "for which there is no iota of proof". How can anybody have a firm belief in something for which there is no proof? It is only by Faith. But organized Faith have gone a little further to provide artificial proofs (falsehoods) through their codified opinions by disguising their myths as historical facts, fitting them into pre-established categories.
And, still the struggle between Faith and Truth persists in an indefinite space until the First year of Nzoputa Uwa, when a new universal system of thought and behavior was born, coming from the standpoint of Truth. We can now declare unequivocally that the struggle between Faith and Truth can no longer be ignored for it is now a struggle between the Ekwensu people of Faith and the Ekwueme People of Truth. Because the Truth is supreme and eternal, it stands on its own, out of implicit and explicit knowledge, and does not impose itself as something that it is not. But on the contrary, Faith through its conditioning process imposes itself as something that it is not without any regards to the function of conscience.
If we are to delve into the ontology of being, we shall see that there is a little room in the state of being human, an epistemological instinct, that the founders of organized Faith had exploited unduly in order to create the momentum of their creeds. By ignoring the function of conscience, legendary stories and fabulous myths were developed based on the consensus of a codified opinion to erect structures of historicity without facts and were used to dominate human conscience through arbitrary authority. What made this possible can only be explained as either the workings of an undue fear or the self-interest of an organized group to profit by error and injustice in the order of things during the time of Oge Nzuzu.
Since the human spirit must occupy space, the realization of the highest potentiality of what it means to be fully human is impossible without the experience of the Truth. In the absence of the Truth, the human spirit can only occupy space as an object to be acted upon, being susceptible to manipulations and opinions of others, being more or less like a robot as affected by the condition of Faith.
In other words, the partiality of the people of Faith in their view of the world must be balanced with the impartiality of the Ekwueme People of Truth in order to stem the tide of Nzuzu with the moral thrust of Nzuko. Let it be known that the Ekwueme People of Truth are diametrically opposed in their worldview, in their world mission and in their epistemological thrust with the condition of belief of the Ekwensu people of Faith. Since the time of Oge Nzuzu has ended, the Ekwensu people of Faith ought to convert to EKUMEKU in order to become fully human. Now, it is no longer necessary to go to the sources of the particulars of Faith in the history of the past because we can now go to The Source to gain the ultimate experience. The Source is the Truth and the Truth alone is supreme and eternal.
Everyone now has the moral choice either to remain entangled with evil in the particulars of Faith or to overcome evil by doing good, striving with the Ekwueme People of Truth against the condition of Faith. It is no longer possible to use Faith as a substitute for the Truth because the Ekwueme People of Truth have emerged in the forefront of the struggle between Faith and Truth. We are no longer going to allow the Ekwensu people of Faith to disguise their condition of belief as a substitute for the Truth.
Without any doubt, there is only One Creator of the universe, but the people of Faith have created images of the human mind to substitute for the Truth. Yet the Truth of the One Creator of the universe exists in the wholeness of eternity as the manifest proof that we know as the Hidden One Creator of the universe, the only One worthy of worship. Wherefore, we must be aware and must not be forgetful that the time of Nzoputa Uwa has come for the redemption of all humanity from the life of living in agreement with Nsi. THE CREATOR IS ONE. THE ONE IS AMUN AND THE DIVINE PLAN IS EKUMEKU. There is no other Creator of the universe but AMUN in whom we trust. OTUA-KA-ODI!
In the Spirit of MAAT, I am