The Time of Oge Nzuzu Has Ended!
The end of the time of Oge Nzuzu was the beginning of the time of Nzoputa Uwa. On that original point of beginning, at the Spring Equinox, the Sun from its path along the ecliptic crossed the celestial equator, making the length of the day and the night to be equal, attaining perfect equilibrium, thus marking the First New Year of the time of Nzoputa Uwa. In other words, the beginning of the time of Nzoputa Uwa is situated at the time of the Spring Equinox, when what is hidden was revealed to the Chosen One for the mission of Nzoputa Uwa, which led to the emergence of this new cycle in time. The precession of the Equinoxes changed the position of the Sun, which began the emergent cycle of MAAT in the universe because the cycle of ISFET has accomplished its time. Because its time has expired, the forces of ISFET would gradually cease to remain as the dominant force and the forces of MAAT would gradually emerge to give meaning and purpose to the Spirit. Therefore, the divine birth of EKUMEKU has inaugurated this struggle in time, between the forces of ISFET and the forces of MAAT, for the power of the Spirit.
No doubt, the end of the time of Oge Nzuzu has come from the advent of the time of Nzoputa Uwa. This time of Nzoputa Uwa is the dispensation of the moral repentance of the human spirit from Nsi. Without any doubt, this is the time for the repentance of the human spirit to reconcile itself with the Truth of the divine birth of EKUMEKU. In this evolution of the time of Nzoputa Uwa, the course of the future history of humanity has begun to emerge in this new dimension of the human consciousness. The Divine Plan of Salvation is the revealed Truth which has been divinely inspired, conceived and manifested in order that it would be fulfilled by AMUN in whom we trust through the mission of Nzoputa Uwa. So, the Master Key to the future of this universe of life is EKUMEKU and the future itself belongs to those who have this Master Key.
During the time of Oge Nzuzu, there was no unity of human existence. The concept of unity was a euphemism used by one group against another group. There was the rampant abuse of human morality and the misapplication of the universal principles of life. Thus, whatever that existed during the time of Oge Nzuzu can only be understood in its separateness of being. Separation, division, strife are the definite nature of the Ekwensi condition. That is why, there was dilemma. There was contradiction in what was preached and what was practiced; and there was strife overwhelmingly during the time Oge Nzuzu. The separateness of being was the dominant way of life because the whole world of Ekwensu was ignorant of EKUMEKU. The worship of the created images of the human mind was the celebrated way of life.
But in this time of Nzoputa Uwa, the oneness of being an Ekwueme would dominate the separateness of being an Ekwensi. All dilemmas and contradictions of being an Ekwensi would be reconciled and the oneness of being an Ekwueme would become a reality that could never be doubted. The Ekwueme then becomes the human spirit who has experienced the supreme vision of Nzoputa Uwa as the ultimate meaning and purpose of human life through the devotion of purpose in EKUMEKU. In other words, the Ekwueme is the devoted follower of the Divine Plan of the One Creator of the universe.
Thus, the end of the time of Oge Nzuzu is the end of the time of worshipping the created images of the human mind. The judgment of the time of Oge Nzuzu is the beginning of the time of Nzoputa Uwa. For, it is the time of Nzoputa Uwa that would judge the time of Oge Nzuzu. Also, it is from the judgment of the time of Oge Nzuzu that the morality of repentance from Nsi would be made realizable for every human spirit. Let it be known that the time of repentance from Nsi is at hand. Those who have repented from Nsi and are living according to the Divine Plan of the One Creator of the universe would inherit the New World Order of EKUMEKU. They would live in the world of Ekwensu and yet would exist in the wholeness of eternity in the world of EKUMEKU, where there is neither suffering nor death.
To whom that has repented from Nsi and has become the devoted follower of the Divine Plan of the One Creator of the universe, shall be rewarded with the life of Truth in this life and eternal life in the hereafter. But to whom that is unrepentant from Nsi, who lives in the dead end nature of the world of Ekwensu, even the life that is lived in agreement with Nsi shall be taken away and eternal death shall be cast upon it. It is of no benefit to the human spirit to reject the Truth of the divine birth of EKUMEKU on the Second Year of Nzoputa Uwa for the Truth is the life itself. Whomever lives in agreement with Nsi cannot know the life in Truth for as the human spirit is living in death there can never be life in Truth without the repentance from Nsi.
The life in Truth is a divine ordinance from the One Creator of the universe that derived its historical impetus from the supreme vision of Nzoputa Uwa, with its belief in the resurrection of the human spirit from the dead end nature of the world of Ekwensu and the promise of life everlasting, if one can follow in the footsteps of the Chosen One through the devotion of purpose in EKUMEKU. This life in Truth is the life of repentance from Nsi and Nsi is whatever that can exist in thought, word or deed against the Divine Plan of the One Creator of the universe, or in opposition to the Truth thereof.
The divine birth of EKUMEKU, no doubt, has ended the mindless euphemism of the Ekwensu people with the end to the epoch of the time of Oge Nzuzu. Now, in this time of Nzoputa Uwa, there would no longer be any separation between Igbo and Hausa, between black and white, between male and female because through the devotion of purpose in EKUMEKU everybody is one. For it is in EKUMEKU that all things were formed and all things come into existence according to the Divine Plan of the One Creator of the universe. Wherefore, the reconciliation or harmony that can exist between the world of Ekwensu and the world of EKUMEKU is the Truth made manifest in human life. The time of Nzoputa Uwa is the Movement of the Spirit of Truth against the dead end nature of the world of Ekwensu in its time of Oge Nzuzu. But life has gone out of the time of Oge Nzuzu. It no longer has any movement and can only be understood in its relationship with the time of Nzoputa Uwa.
Consequently, the distance between the time of Oge Nzuzu and time of Nzoputa Uwa is determined by the Movement of the Spirit of Truth according to the Ekwueme Calendar. Thus, the Ekwueme starting point in history would be from the beginning of the time of Nzoputa Uwa. But since the time of Nzoputa Uwa was divinely generated from the time of Oge Nzuzu, the measurement or reckoning of time would be based on the distance that would always exist between the time of Oge Nzuzu and the time of Nzoputa Uwa. It is the Movement of the time of Nzoputa Uwa that would act upon the time of Oge Nzuzu. This is because the time of Oge Nzuzu can offer no resistance to the Movement of Nzoputa Uwa and can only give way continually as its nature demands.
Let it then be known that our starting point in the historical process is the First Year of Nzoputa Uwa. Whatever happened before the Ekwueme starting point in time belongs to the time of Oge Nzuzu and can only be reconciled according to the Divine Plan of AMUN in whom we trust. Whatever it is that is not based on the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU can only be understood from the standpoint of the time of Oge Nzuzu. It is the historical process of Nzoputa Uwa acting on its accord that would separate itself from the non-existent life of the time of Oge Nzuzu in order to fulfill the Divine Plan of AMUN in whom we trust.
Let it be known that the time of Oge Nzuzu has ended at the point in time when the time of Nzoputa Uwa began. During the time of Oge Nzuzu, the Spirit of EKUMEKU was hidden in the world of Ekwensu because of Nsi. It was the redeeming victory of the Almighty Spirit of EKUMEKU against Nsi that is the divine birth of EKUMEKU on the Second year of Nzoputa Uwa. With the dispensation of the Age of Faith, the religions of ISFET developed a skin color contraption through which moral choice was denied most especially against the black skinned humanity. Many theories, doctrines, dogmas, myths and fables were developed by the followers of the religions of ISFET that denied moral choice for the black skinned humanity. It was a grave moral error which created feelings of inferiority on many of the black skinned people to the extent that many Ekwensu people wholeheartedly believed that black people were inferior. But the contrary may be the case.
Let it be known that the time of Oge Nzuzu serves with all emphasis as the historical, ethical and ideological counterpoint to the ethos of the time of Nzoputa Uwa. Humanity now stands at the crossroads between the notion of Faith and the reality of the Truth for its guidance. The Age of Faith is the historical embodiment of the time of Oge Nzuzu and has now been superseded by the Age of Truth. This New Age of Truth began historically on the First year of Nzoputa Uwa having brought to an end the time of Oge Nzuzu.
Without any doubt, everything that has a beginning must also have an ending in life. Whenever humanity come to the end of one historical process and the beginning of a new historical process, the transition period is often a period of great uncertainty, turmoil and confusion. As a result, many now feel the threat of same-sex marriage or the threat of suicide bombers as a tremendous pain and terrific threat to the future of the human life. The religions of ISFET have now seemingly become the paraphernalia of death, the destroyer of life. But the Ekwueme People of Truth know what is happening for they have been set apart from the historical process of the time of Oge Nzuzu.
The people of Faith have nothing to offer to humanity any longer and they equally have nothing to offer to the Ekwueme People of Truth. So, it is a distraction to argue seriously with them for their dispensation has been superseded. They ought to keep quiet whenever they are in the midst of the Ekwueme People of Truth.
Blessings of Hotep!
In the spirit of MAAT, I am
As we prepare to enter into the 28th year of Nzoputa Uwa , our mission of Nzoputa Uwa has begun to gain the attention it deserves for the future of humanity.