In the struggle between MAAT and ISFET, the Africans sold their birthright and became captives of the religions of ISFET. What happened to the Africans that made them to sell their birthright has never happened before in world history and it is the focus of this discourse. Let us first imagine what happened to the people who accepted the Hebrew assumption that there were no laws before Moses, and how they were given the name Africans.
We know that the Hebrews copied from our ancestors and were influenced by the ancient Kemites, and yet they turned around to claim and preach to the Africans that there were no laws before Moses. Why did the Africans accept the Hebrew assumption that there were no laws before Moses? So, why did the people who now call themselves Africans sell their birthright in the struggle between MAAT and ISFET? How did the first become the last? What made it possible? Was it a natural process? How can this unwholesome process be reversed? Who are the Kemites?
The root of human civilization has its origin from the continent of KEMET. The continent of Kemet is the cradle of human civilization and the root of this civilization was organized on the duality of MAAT and ISFET. When the forces of ISFET began to challenge the forces of MAAT in a new cycle, the forces of ISFET were able at some point in time, after many millennia, to disrupt the existed delicate balance established in the world by the ancient Kemites. This disruption of the delicate balance of power by the people who manifested the dominant forces of ISFET, gradually led to the emergence of a people who we know today as the followers of Moses.
These people who followed Moses built their worldview on the false assumption that there were no laws before Moses.
In order for the people to gain strength and power necessary, they felt that they must negate the diametrical opposite of what they represented by assuming that whatever existed before their emergence was not valid and can only be used as a raw material in their determined effort to build up their assumption that there were no laws before Moses. It was imperative that they must destroy the established House of MAAT in order to build their new house on top of the debris of the House of MAAT. They had to take whatever is necessary from the House of MAAT in order to build the new House of ISFET. At the same time, the new House of ISFET demanded that a clear distinction was made between itself and the House of MAAT. That is why, the three religions of ISFET, Hebrewism, Christianity and Islam, were developed and built from the foundation of the House of MAAT with the assumption that there were no laws before Moses.
These three religions can be traced back to ancient KEMET and the role the ancient Kemites played in their development is the crux of the matter of the Africans, having sold their birthright. These religions of ISFET have confirmed that the cycle of time exists according to the Divine Plan of the One Creator of the universe, and they make us to understand that the maintenance of the delicate balance between MAAT and ISFET has been ordained at the foundation of the universe. In addition, they have proven that the scale of balance will tip on the opposite side at the outset of a new cycle if those who control either the forces of ISFET or the forces of MAAT were unable to maintain the necessary delicate balance between the diametrically opposed forces.
In other words, the nature of the universe demands that in every new cycle there would be fundamental changes in the world of ideas or in the way human beings organize their lives. But these changes can be assimilated and integrated into the existing system of thought and behavior if those who control the dominant forces of human development are able to maintain the necessary delicate balance that the universe needs in the unfolding of life. But the Africans by accepting that there were no laws before Moses sold their birthright by abandoning the House of MAAT, becoming captives in the House of ISFET.
How did the first become the last? When the forces of ISFET destroyed the House of MAAT with violence, under the banner of the concept of one God, the forces of MAAT became disorganized and disoriented. There was no serious ideological opposition from the forces of MAAT who were gradually absolved into the assumption that there were no laws before Moses. Once the forces of MAAT were peripherally absorbed or neutralized, the forces of ISFET created the skin color contraption, a hidden agenda, to keep them at bay, and to use them as the buffer system in their attempt to dominate the world. As a result, the Africans sold their birthright because they became captives of the forces of ISFET and were sidelined in all fundamental issues as spectators for they did not know what they have been made to become. A monolithic world was created that was based on the assumption that there were no laws before Moses.
Since the Africans had accepted implicitly and later explicitly that there were no laws before Moses, their past achievements, moral leadership and the moral fruits of their ancestors’ historical legacy were never to be recognized for they had become insignificant from the point of view of the Hebrew assumption. In other words, the Africans sold their birthright when they were made to accept that there were no laws before Moses, and that the laws were given to Moses by a God.
If there were no laws before Moses, what it means is that there was no human civilization before Moses. This cannot be possible because the civilization of ancient Kemet had existed for more than six millennia before there was a Moses. The stripping of the identity of the ancient Kemites, and the falsification of historical records became necessary in the vain attempt to maintain the false assumption that there were no laws before Moses. For an example, circumcision which was practiced in ancient Kemet as a cultural phenomenon for hygiene was copied and adopted by the followers of Moses as an exclusive religious practice supposedly invented by them. The indigenous people of our beloved continent began to be called any name that can suit the fancy of the invading forces. The Aryans called them Libyans; the Greeks called them Ethiopians, the Arabs called them Alkebulans, the Romans called the territory that they conquered Africa and it came to pass that my beloved people lost control of their own identity.
By the time when the Chosen One was born, any foreigner could call his people any name that they like such as Guinean, Sambo, Negro, Nigger, African and the name Africa seemed to have stuck like a leech. But my people are not Africans for they are the People of KEMET.
Let it then be known that the Africans had rejected the philosophical basis of their humanity by accepting the Hebrew assumption that there were no laws before Moses. But, at the same time, they expect the world to treat them with respect and dignity when they themselves, through false religious indoctrination, have refused to assert their humanity. The Africans live for the present and have lost the fundamental moral values of good and evil. They allow their enemy to dictate what is good and what is evil to them at the expense of their own self-preservation. They allow their children to be bombarded with false ideas that ultimately would alienate them from themselves because they have lost the fundamental moral values of good and evil. They refuse to see that the road that they have taken will only lead to their ultimate destruction. This is the reason why they are chasing the shadows of the enemy’s destiny. If ignorance is a virtue, then we can justify why the Africans chose to sell their birthright. But there is no justification whatsoever.
WHO ARE THE KEMITES? The Kemites are the New Africans who have rejected the Hebrew assumption that there were no laws before Moses. The Kemites are the devoted followers of the Divine Plan of AMUN in whom we trust. The Kemites are indeed the devoted followers of the eternal Truth of the One Creator of the universe. No doubt, the Kemites are my beloved people. The Kemites are great thinkers. They love learning and are the people who have changed the name of our beloved continent from “Africa” to become the continent of KEMET. The Kemites represent the future of our beloved continent.
Blessings of Hotep!
In the Spirit of MAAT, I am
The Africans sold their birthright because they are looking at the world through the eyes of their enemy. If your enemy told you that your mother is ugly in his own eyes, it does not necessary mean that your mother is ugly in your own eyes.
The struggle between the House of MAAT and the House of ISFET is fundamental in the understanding of world history. During the time of Oge Nzuzu, we were not looking at the world through our own eyes. But now, in this time of Nzoputa Uwa, we should displace the House of ISFET and restore the House of MAAT as the dominant consciousness.