Ekumeku symbol


“--- to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and Pagans whatsoever--- (and) to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate himself and his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions, and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit”.

--- Romanus Pontifex, Papal Bull mandated to the Portuguese King, Alfonso V, by Pope Nicholas V, in 8th January, 1455 A.D.

“The Europeans not only colonized most of the world, they began to colonize information about the world and its people. In order to do this, they had to forget, or pretend to forget, all they had previously known about the Africans”.

--- John Henrik Clarke.

“When people move you out of history, they’re trying to oppress you, and to make you think that you need to be oppressed---- You cannot consciously oppress a consciously historical people because a consciously historical people would not let it happen”.

--- John Henrik Clarke.

“Heru is the Light of the world and has no equal or an equivalent. Heru is the ancient Kemetic Neter known to be born on the date that is synonymous with the Christian calendar date of December 25 that comes after the Winter Solstice, every year. The primary event that is celebrated by the Christians on the 25th December every year is a “stolen legacy” from our ancestors in ancient Kemet and had existed for more than 4,000 years before there was ever a parody named ‘Christos’”.

--- The Chosen One.

Heru is the only begotten son of Ausar the Karast and this ancient Kemetic Neter represents the personification of the sun in its original symbolism and in the ancient Kemetic celestial mythos, for more than seven thousand years. During the Winter Solstice that occurs often on December 21 of the Christian calendar, the sun stops moving southward whereby it hibernates on the Southern Crux Constellation for three days, crucified and buried as Heru allegorically. Thereafter on December 25, the sun then ascends and moves about one degree upwards changing its movement by moving northward in an opposite direction. This opposite movement of the sun is the crux of the matter of Heru being crucified and buried for three days in allegory as the manifest representation of the sun and it is this personification of the sun by Heru that is the hidden truth behind his crucifixion which must take place before his ascension when the sun moves upward in an opposite direction. Heru being crucified and buried for three days is symbolized to represent the sun in allegory when it stops moving southward, manifesting the fundamental idea of transformation whereby the three days of hibernation is the time when the sun stops moving southward and the transformation that occurs can be related to the idea of Heru being crucified and buried for three days. Thus, Heru died for three days allegorically being the personification of the sun since the sun stops moving southward when it is in hibernation on the Southern Crux Constellation for three days before it begins its movement upward in an opposite direction. This ascension of Heru after being crucified and buried for three days is the hidden truth of the resurrection of Heru after three days of being crucified and buried.

It is also from Heru that we can understand the story of the three wise men who came from the East following the birth of a new star. This new star from the East, Sirius, along with the Orion Belt (three wise men) which is associated with the Sun Rise from its southward movement to northward movement normally occurs on the so-called Christmas eve. So, we are dealing with the secret history of the world. When the Christians talk about the Twelve Apostles, thinking that they were historical personalities, let them know that they are nothing but the Twelve Zodiac Constellations. If we want to know, it is only the sun that can turn water into wine for the sun can ferment grapes in water and transform them into wine. Also, it is only the sun that can walk on water through the reflection of its rays on water. When the sun rises again after three days of hibernation, its movement changes in its direction from the Southern Crux Constellation to make its movement northward. The Virgo Constellation plays a very important role in the Sun Rise that moves the direction of the sun’s movement toward the north, making it to appear as if Virgo has given birth to a new sun.

Therefore, the continent of KEMET is the cradle of human civilization, and has inspired and would continue to inspire the world through its different cycles of evolution and devolution. The transliteration and the historicization of the celestial allegory and mythos of the ancient Kemetic civilization brought into existence the secret history of the world. These secrets can never be properly understood without taking into serious consideration the struggle between MAAT and ISFET and how it affected the formulation and development of the major religions of ISFET. Without giving credit to our ancient Kemetic ancestors, the religions of ISFET created a secret history of the world. It is not just in the religions of ISFET but also in philosophy and science that we found the secret history of the world in the determined effort to keep the ‘stolen legacy’ secret. All the religions of ISFET, philosophy and science can be connected and traced systematically to their original source in ancient KEMET. Let it then be known that the everlasting Truth of the One Creator of the universe, AMUN in whom we trust, used to be hidden from the ignorant masses, and this eternal Truth has always been transmitted from Age to Age in one form or the other, as Amen in the end of prayers, for an example. Before the time of Nzoputa Uwa, the eternal Truth of the One Creator of the universe was hidden from the ignorant masses because of the struggle between MAAT and ISFET, beneath the veil of fables and symbols of the religions of ISFET. The Hidden One is AMUN in whom we trust and the only One Creator of the universe. Without any shadow of doubt, the Hidden One, AMUN in whom we trust, is synonymous with Amen.

In the struggle between MAAT and ISFET, it is of utmost importance that a basic definition is rendered. In the religions of ISFET, divinity is separated from the human being and it is conceived to be outside of the human spirit, cast in a created image of the human mind; whereas in the spirituality of MAAT, divinity is construed to be within the established order of the oneness of Being, harmonized by the knowledge of self. Thus, in the ontology of MAAT, divinity is within; while in the ontology of ISFET, divinity is without. It is now only through the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU can we realize that the One Creator of the universe is both manifest and unmanifest at the point of equilibrium between MAAT and ISFET.

Consequently, the plan to gain world power by the religions of ISFET included the determination to destroy the black people’s prior hegemony and their domination of the world, black people’s historical origins of human civilization, to destroy and cover up most of the ancient records, monuments, books, statues and things that prove that our ancestors were the originators of all the great ancient civilizations throughout the four corners of the planet. However, it has been very difficult to carry out this conspiracy to its logical conclusion because the black people’s ancient achievements and immense world contribution were needed and had been the foundation upon which the structures of the religions of Faith, philosophy and science were erected. So what had been done in the struggle between MAAT and ISFET against the black people was not a destruction per se but instead it has been a cover up. The origin of human civilization was not destroyed despite all the vile hatred, murder and manipulations; instead, a serious attempt was made to cover up the facts of its originality. A white man once stated as follows: “Our greatest power over blacks is that we control everything they believe. We control their education, their news media, their entertainment, all their statistics and even their image of themselves. This therefore allows us to inundate blacks with disinformation designed to instill the myth of white superiority and black self-hatred into their minds. It is a psychological warfare program used for protecting our white dominance”.

In other words, the Africans must overcome the monopoly that white supremacy had imposed on their mind by transforming themselves to become the People of KEMET. Until the Africans become the People of KEMET, they cannot be able to break the monopoly of white supremacy in their lives. The People of KEMET have broken the monopoly of white supremacy and the African cannot be liberated without becoming a Kemite. How long would it take for an African to catch up with the reality of being a Kemite? It is only by the voluntary effort of the individual who follows in the footsteps of the Chosen One of Nzoputa Uwa can an African become a Kemite.

If indeed the African wants to become a Kemite, he or she ought or would ponder and answer deeply the following questions to himself or herself. Are you tired of being a slave? Do you seek to know the fundamental differences between slavery and freedom? Are you aware of the secret history of the world as it has affected the Africans and the conspiracy to permanently divide and conquer them? Are you an agent of slavery or freedom? What have you done to apply the universal message of EKUMEKU to become a blessing to you and your family? Do you know that the world mission of Nzoputa Uwa is a blessing to all humanity? Are you still living in the past, before Nzoputa Uwa, when the Africans were indoctrinated to believe that the best option for them is to look at the world through the eyes of others?

In the continent of KEMET, why are the invaders and agents of slavery synonymous with the religions of ISFET? We must know the whole Truth and the whole Truth shall set us free. What do we know about the Divine Will of the One Creator of the universe? It is absurd for anyone to believe that he or she can understand and realize the truthfulness of EKUMEKU without surrendering unconditionally to the Divine Will of AMUN in whom we must trust.


Blessings of Hotep!

In the spirit of MAAT, I am


  1. Heru is the Ekwueme! ONE WHO OVERCOMES EVIL BY DOING GOOD 👑👑. When everybody has given up due to FEAR of the enemy 🦠. Heru emerges with a devotion of purpose to destroy the enemy 🦠. Heru is steadfast in his fight against Seth ( Evil Intentions) who happens to be his uncle and also the enemy of his father, Ausar,. Without any FEAR in his heart ❤️. Heru challenges Seth for a fight and defeated him to take rightfully what belongs to him. Remember that Heru was born after the death of his father . So, he never knew his father. What made him stronger than his enemy is the TRUTH, he was not afraid of evil. The Ekwueme who is devoted and does not fear evil of any kind is the personification of HERU. Vibrate higher than the Ekwensu ( unbeliever) people consciousness and reject the unnecessary fear of death from your heart ❤️ without being reckless. KNOW THY SELF and fear no evil. The TRUTH IS GREATER THAN EVIL and anyone who follows the truth ought not to fear evil. Those who fight no battle can not expect to win any victory. Meditate from within and do not worry too much about the challenges ahead. Tackle your challenges one after the other and put in your trust in AMUN in whom we trust. The Chosen One

  2. The secrets of world history cannot be revealed to those who are ignorant of EKUMEKU for they are incapable of understanding the historical process of the past and the future. There is a World Spirit that masterminds the fundamental aspects of the human civilization.

  3. What is EKUMEKU? The world of ideas is the sphere of Pure Thought. It is the world of EKUMEKU that is the realm of Pure Thought. Every idea is the consequence of thought and it is founded on thought and cannot continue to exist without thought. All that we are is a product of an idea and every idea is founded on the process of thought. As the Ekwueme ( Master of life), we are the products of the Supreme idea of Nzoputa Uwa ( The mission to regain harmony, balance, Truth, MAAT, oneness with nature). All that we can be is founded on the world of EKUMEKU; and the world of EKUMEKU exists in the wholeness of eternity as the realm of Pure Thought. All that we are and will ever be is the embodiment of an idea. Whatever we are is a product of the idea that gives our life direction. It is in the reality of the world of ideas that we must discover the Truth that would give our life meaning and purpose. The world of EKUMEKU is the realm of Pure Thought, and it is from the world of ideas can we enter into the realm of Pure Thought. Everything is rooted in the world of ideas, which defined its unique and essential quality. Each of us has an essential character and such a characteristic emanates from the body of ideas which defines our unique and essential quality. Those who are limited to the world of Ekwensu, which is the realm of Physical Senses, are more dependent on the limitations of their bodily inclinations and instincts, becoming extremely subjected to the Ekwensu world conditioning, being in bondage and slavery. In the METAPHYSICS of EKUMEKU, there are three Spheres or Realms of the reality of Life. The sphere of the physical senses is called the world of Ekwensu. The sphere of the Pure Thought is called the world of EKUMEKU. And, the sphere of Pure Spirit is called Igwe-Ka-Uwa or Igwekuwa. There is only ONE CREATOR of the universe. Everything else in the universe of life is the CREATION of the ONE CREATOR of the universe. The Chosen One

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by ekumeku