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The Motive Behind The Invention of an ALIEN Race

The Motive Behind The Invention Of An ALIEN Race


The motive behind the invention of an ALIEN Race in explaining the origin of the civilization of ancient KEMET did not start with our contemporaries in the struggle between MAAT and ISFET. It had worked before in the invention of Angels which was very successful in the destruction of black civilization. We all know that there is nothing like an Angel as we have already proven with facts and yet the contrived creation of the existence of Angels were used vehemently to destroy the civilization of our ancient ancestors in KEMET. I called it invention but it is a copied creation based on the misunderstood symbolism of MAAT.

Our ancestors in ancient KEMET depicted symbolically the image of a black woman with wings in her hands spread out as if she can fly to represent one of the symbols of MAAT. The whole concept of an Angel came from this symbol of MAAT, without them knowing that a bird’s feather, because of its weightlessness, is also important in the symbolism of MAAT as far as our ancestors were concerned. Even till date, some traditions are still using the feather of an eagle to represent the elevation of the human spirit from the dead end nature of the world of Ekwensu.

Now, when we study the religions of ISFET, it becomes clear that the founding fathers created the non-existent Angels that were an imitation of only the symbolism of MAAT, as the source of their information. But Angels never existed and will never exist. Angels were the creation of an imitative mind without historical past or culture that were used as a construction to give legitimacy to the fantasy of those who had no authority, which had helped them to gain authority in credulity.

To gain the authority that is needed to destroy the legitimate order of the world is one thing and the other is to maintain and sustain the authority. In this case, extreme violence was used and it was those who had been hoodwinked that were used making them to believe that what they were doing was the order given from above. The created image of Angels who were made to seem like they speak an understandable human language gave the impression that the order came from the above as a divine ordinance even as they were promised some share of the booty. Uptil today, we are yet to see even a single Angel who looks like human beings and yet have wings like birds. This phantom of Angels was the singular legacy of the Age of Faith and it was used to destroy the pre-existent civilization of our ancestors and the Ekwueme People of Truth are undeniably aware of the secrets of world history.

The greatest fraud of this conviction is the propagation of the false notion that there were no laws before the contrived construction of the Angelic falsehood. The fellow who copied and had stolen what belonged to another fellow without giving credit to its source can never be superior to the source from where he copied and imitated. It is only a fool that can reject the original and claim the imitation as the reason for its existence.

Let it be known that it is the same mindset that created the non-existent Angels that has created the ALIENS from outer space. The motives are essentially the same. The faith that there is something that looks like human beings but have wings like birds which is called an Angel is similar to the faith that ancient civilization was built by ALIENS from outer space. There is no iota of proof but the motive is clear. However, it is by questioning the motive of those propagating the false notion of ALIENS from outer space that one comes face to face with the mindset of a bad faith that creates Angels and ALIENS as phantoms to be believed. In the case of ALIENS from outer space, there is a sinister motive behind the propaganda that ALIENS built the pyramids. Before, the propaganda was that Aryans built all the ancient civilizations. When it was proven beyond reasonable doubt that what the Aryans did was the destruction of black civilization, their narrative changed and the notion of an ALIEN Race from outer space that created all the wonders of ancient civilization began.

Do not allow yourself to be fooled with the false notion that there is an ALIEN Race somewhere in the outer space who came to the continent of KEMET and built a civilization and then disappeared. The People of KEMET must look at the world through their own eyes. These people who claim to be white are trying to deceive people as they keep saying that ALIENS built the ancient civilization of our ancestors, insulting the intelligence of our people.

In the beginning, there were no other people but us. If anyone comes around to tell you that ALIENS built the ancient civilization of KEMET, just know that it is you that they are trying to insult. The inability of a certain kind of people to accept that in the beginning there were no other people but us and that it is our ancestors that created and defined the true meaning of civilization is the crux of the matter. They had tried to bury our history through the falsification of records but it never worked exactly how they had intended it to be.

Therefore, the motive behind the invention of an ALIEN Race is a self-denial by those who have no intention of giving the People of KEMET their overdue respect. If they had destroyed the empirical evidence, by defacing the faces/noses of historical monuments to make you accept that you came from nothing and turned around to convince you that the builders were an ALIEN Race, then it means that you are a victim of their malicious propaganda, worthless. But if you could understand that it is an eternal struggle between the forces of MAAT and the forces of ISFET, it would help you to understand the secrets of world history. The secrets of world history cannot be revealed to those who are ignorant of EKUMEKU for they are incapable of recognizing the eternal struggle between the forces of MAAT and the forces of ISFET.

Blessings of Hotep!

In the spirit of MAAT, I am


  1. The destruction of the black civilization of our ancestors is an abomination against humanity.

  2. <a href=http://zrenieblog.ru/>Detail</a>: <a href=http://zrenieblog.ru/>http://zrenieblog.ru/</a> http://zrenieblog.ru/ <a href="http://zrenieblog.ru/">http://zrenieblog.ru/</a> 歷史 六七千年前的先民就開始釣魚。周文王曾和兒子們在靈沼釣魚取樂。戰國時范蠡也愛釣魚,常把所釣之魚供給越王勾踐食用。 二十世紀八十年代,中國大陸的各級釣魚協會成立,釣魚地點也從自然水域向養殖水域過度,所釣之魚則從粗養向細養過度。人數增多、水體污染及濫捕濫撈導致釣魚難度上升。釣魚協會開始與漁民和農民簽訂文件,使更多釣者能夠在養殖水域釣魚,達到了雙贏的目的。 二十世紀九十年代初,來自台灣的懸釣法走紅大陸,各地開始建造標準釣池。 二十世紀末,發達國家的釣者提倡回顧自然,引發新一輪野釣戰,而中國的釣者則更青睞精養魚池。<>] 工具 一种钓鱼竿机械部分示意图 最基本的钓具包括:鱼竿、鱼线、鱼钩、沉坨(又名沉子)、浮标(又名鱼漂)、鱼饵。<>]:1其他辅助钓具包括:失手绳、钓箱、线轮、抄网、鱼篓、渔具盒、钓鱼服、钓鱼鞋等。<>]:1 钓竿一般由玻璃纖維或碳纖維轻而有力的竿状物质製成,钓竿和鱼饵用丝线联接。一般的鱼饵可以是蚯蚓、米饭、蝦子、菜叶、苍蝇、蛆等,现代有专门制作好(多数由自己配置的半成品)的粉製鱼饵出售。鱼饵挂在鱼鉤上,不同的對象鱼有不同的釣組配置。在周围水面撒一些誘餌通常会有較好的集魚效果。 钓具 鱼竿 主条目:鱼竿 钓鱼的鱼竿按照材质包括:传统竹竿、玻璃纤维竿、碳素竿,按照钓法包括:手竿、矶竿、海竿(又名甩竿),按照所钓鱼类包括:溪流小继竿、日鲫竿(又名河内竿)、鲤竿、矶中小物竿。<>]:6-8 鱼钩 主条目:鱼钩 鱼钩就是垂钓用的钩,主要分为:有倒钩、无倒钩、毛钩。<>]:14 鱼线 主条目:鱼线 鱼线就是垂钓时绑接鱼竿和鱼钩的线,历史上曾使用蚕丝(远古日本)、发丝(江户时期日本)、马尾(西欧)、二枚贝(地中海)、蛛网丝(夏威夷)、琼麻(东南亚)、尼龙钓线(美国)。<>]:25 鱼漂 主条目:鱼漂 鱼漂又名浮标,垂钓时栓在鱼线上的能漂浮的东西,主要用于搜集水底情报,查看鱼汛,观察鱼饵存留状态,以及水底水流起伏变化。<>]:36 鱼饵 主条目:鱼饵 鱼饵分为诱饵和钓饵,是一种用来吸引鱼群和垂钓时使用的物品,钓饵分为荤饵、素饵、拟饵、拉饵。<>]:170 沉子 主条目:沉子 沉子又名沉坨、铅锤,是一种调节鱼漂的工具。<>]:45 卷线器 主条目:卷线器 卷线器主要安装在海竿和矶竿上的一种卷线的工具。<>]:63 连结具 主条目:连结具 连结具是连结鱼线与钓竿、母线与子线的一种连结物,使用最广泛的是连结环。<>]:55 识鱼 鱼类的视力不如人类,距离、宽度均无法和人类的视力比较,鱼类对水色、绿色比较敏感,鱼类的嗅觉非常灵敏,鱼类的听觉也非常灵敏,钓鲤鱼时,不能在岸上大声谈笑、走动不停,鱼类的思考能力非常弱,鱼类应对周边环境随着气象、水温、水色、潮流、流速、水量的变化而变化,于是便出现了在同一个池塘、水库、湖泊,往日钓鱼收获大,今日少,上午收获大,下午少,晴天大,雨天少等情况。<>]:114-117淡水钓鱼,中国大陆经常垂钓的鱼类对象是本地鲫鱼、日本鲫、非洲鲫、鲤鱼、游鱼、罗非鱼、黄刺鱼(黄鸭叫)、黄尾、鳊鱼、青鱼、草鱼、鲢鱼、鳙鱼,台湾经常垂钓的鱼类对象是本地鲫鱼、日本鲫、吴郭鱼(罗非鱼)、溪哥仔和红猫(粗首马口鱲)、斗鱼、罗汉鱼、苦花、三角姑(河鮠)、竹蒿头(密鱼)。<>]:117 影响鱼类的6大因素主要是:季节变更、气温高低、水的涨落、风的大小、水的清浊、天气阴晴

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