Africa is not the name of our beloved continent; instead, it is a brand created and projected to the world by the Europeans as the counterpoint of the European’s self-definition of who they ought to be or who they think that they are. It is the European mind that invented the Africa that never was; and it is the Europeans that have been using the invented Africa as an instrument of domination at the detriment of those who have accepted to refer to themselves as Africans.
It is a fact of world history that the fascination of Europeans with “Africa” conveys an acute disregard to the humanity of the so-called Africans. This invented Africa is to the European mind the anti-thesis of what Europe ought to be. Again, this invented Africa is something that the European mind conceived within itself to serve as a dumping heap of the European physical and moral deformities, a hopeless place. As the People of KEMET, we have rejected this invented Africa of the European imagination for it has neither any authentic history nor culture to offer humanity.
Wherefore, the name of our beloved continent is KEMET, for KEMET rekindles in us our true authentic history and culture, and makes the immense contribution of our ancestors in world history a fact that can never be disputed by either the European or any other people. We shall remain the People of KEMET forever and so must it be. But we will never force anybody to reject being called an African as long as we all are now aware that the name of our beloved continent is KEMET. Without any doubt, our beloved continent would no longer be called “Africa”. All the maps that we would henceforth produce shall have the name KEMET to identify and represent our beloved continent.
We know from history that before the people who are now ignorantly calling themselves Africans became aware that they are Africans, Europeans, in their invention of the Africa that never was, had done a massive ideological work on the image and the meaning of their invented Africa. When Europeans discuss about the “Dark Continent” or the “Heart of Darkness”, they are referring to the Africans and not to our beloved continent of KEMET. The European ideological construction of “Dark” versus “Light” or “Darkness” versus “Lightness” has nothing to do with the reality of our beloved continent of KEMET; rather, the invented Africa is the European ideological view of their “otherness” or of what is diametrically opposed to their self-definition of “self”.
It has never been our beloved continent of KEMET that the Europeans were expressing in their narratives of Africa; but instead, it has been the counterpoint of what they conceived of themselves to be. The European stories of the African were always colored to suit the European narratives of who they want to be. Whatever that the Europeans have ever written about their invented Africa has never been and could not be about our beloved continent of KEMET. By the invention of the Africa that never was, the Europeans have shown a total disregard to the humanity of the Africans and had considered them to be something that is totally inferior in every aspect to their own conception of themselves. We may not completely blame the Europeans for casting aspersions against the humanity of Africans; rather we must also blame the people who have accepted to be called Africans without any opposition to its conception and imagery.
What the Europeans do write about Africa always tells more about them and their ideology than about our beloved continent of KEMET. This is why it is extremely difficult and almost impossible for the Europeans to accept the Africans on their own terms. As far as the Europeans are concerned, the Africans could never tell their own story by themselves to correspond accurately with the framework of the European ideology of who is an African. What the European ideology considers to be the African is a “thing” that the Europeans had created by themselves. But the people who call themselves Africans are ignorant of this fact for they have been held captives by the religions of ISFET. The Africans have never conceived of themselves as Africans apart from being indoctrinated by the European ideology to accept the African brand name. The worst prison in the world is the branding of the African as a prisoner in the European imagination, whose freedom would never be manifest without self-definition.
The restless and insatiable ambition of the European ideology to use the African brand to demonstrate all the anti-thesis of human aspiration and realization manifest a hideous drama that made our beloved continent seemed to be peopled by monstrous giants with toddler’s limp. No doubt, the European ideology of branding the African is not just a gratuitous evil, it is also a manifest expression of the African “otherness”, which have served the Europeans in many ways than one in the manipulation of the Africans who are ignorant of EKUMEKU.
Thus, the European ideology created the African beast as a justification for the exploitation of our beloved continent of KEMET. The continent of KEMET is no doubt the cradle of human civilization; while “Africa” in the European ideology is a place of negation, a place where the light of civilization is yet to shine, the imaginary anti-thesis of the European aspirations. What are the differences between the continent of KEMET and the invented Africa of the European imagination? The Africa of European imagination is a place that is fundamentally different from the reality of the continent of KEMET. The Africa of the European ideology is an unending diatribe against the indigenous people of our beloved continent. This invented Africa is a mental creation of the European imaginations. Most Africans may not be aware of the psychological nature of the European obsession with “Africa” and their continued and determined effort to maintain the status quo of their “Africa” that never was.
In other words, the fascination of the Western Man with Africa and Africans is not a matter that can easily be explained in words like hatred, race or racism, rather it goes deeper than those words to what we call White Magic, something akin to a sudden awareness of being in possession of a “thing” that is highly valuable and yet very much despised. By inventing the Africa that never was, the challenge of the European mind is the manipulation of the “African thing” to fit into the overall scheme of the European ideology of “otherness”. Therefore, the African has to be a specimen, an object or a thing that can be experimented upon in a continuous quest to exploit and validate the invented Africa that never was.
This Africa of the European imagination is an imaginary place that never existed and will never exist. But what makes it to seem like it is real in the imagination of the European has been the successful manipulation of the African image of which the Africans are mostly unaware. Nevertheless, what had made it relatively easy for the successful manipulation of the African image is the acceptance of the people who call themselves Africans of the European branding of the “Africa” that never was. It is also the brand name “Africa” that has given the Europeans the comparative leverage or advantage to manipulate the image of Africans among other factors. However, once the brand name “Africa” is rejected by the African, the person has singularly removed himself or herself from the implications of being branded and as a consequence could no longer be a specimen or an object that can be manipulated or experimented upon by the European.
The European ideology invented the Africa that never was and has been using this diabolical invention to manipulate the Africans themselves through their control of its negative imagery. Once an African become a Kemite, he or she becomes a human being, a cultural being with authentic history and the narrative would naturally change. In the invented Africa that never was, the European is the expert, the real man. He alone knows his “real” African. He alone can give us an accurate description of the “real” African of the European imagination. He alone is qualified to tell us who is the “real” African and who is the “fake” African. Needless to say, that the “real” African is a creature of the European imagination and cannot be anything otherwise.
How can a people exist without the benefit of their own self-definition? It is only the African that could exist by the virtue of being defined by his enemy or by another people. We the People of KEMET are different from the African and our self-definition is the starting point of our awareness of others in the world. It is from the originality of our self-definition can we be able to interact with the outside world as a world historical people who are fully conscious of our historical past, present and future. There is no doubt that any people who had accepted the definition of its moral character by the enemy must consider themselves to be a conquered people and we the People of KEMET are not a conquered people. We the People of KEMET are in control of our historical past, historical present and we are determined through the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU to be in complete control of our historical future.
Blessings of Hotep!
In the spirit of MAAT, I am
The mission of EKUMEKU is fantastic! But, KEMET or Africa, let's prove our worth by how we live and what we offer. Thanks
KEMET is the starting point of our own ideology of self-definition. Anybody who cannot accept KEMET is on his or her own.