Ekumeku symbol

The World of EKUMEKU

The nature of being in the universe requires that we are born in the world of Ekwensu involuntarily in a raw form without the capacity to resist the conditioning of a fixed space and finite time. This entrance to the world of Ekwensu cannot occur without a physical birth. This physical birth cannot occur without the union of the male and female principles of life. Every child is a product of the union of the male and female principles of life. Every child has a physical father and a physical mother. Every child is born because of the sexual union that resulted in the conception of the infant. The newborn baby enters into the world of Ekwensu through the processes of procreation and reproduction. This new beginning gives the human spirit the opportunity to live in the world of Ekwensu. The manifestation of this physical form of life that gives body to the spirit lives but it is arguable to what extent that it is conscious of existence.

As the body develops and grows, the human spirit becomes attached to the body. This attachment to the body is necessary because it gives a separate identity to the body. With a separate identity, the newborn child becomes receptive to the passions and desires of the body. The mother and father of the child become the basic link that the human spirit needs to initiate itself into a given environment in the world of Ekwensu. Every human spirit is born into the world of Ekwensu through the physical parents. Likewise, every human spirit is born into the world of EKUMEKU through the Spiritual (Holy) Parents. There is no human spirit which can enter into the world of EKUMEKU without the Universal Motherhood of MAAT and the Universal Fatherhood of EKUMEKU. There is no human spirit which can enter into the world of EKUMEKU in the conditioned state of physical birth. The human spirit must enter into the world of EKUMEKU in the unconditional state of spiritual birth. The newborn child that is born in the world of Ekwensu needs the nurturing of the physical mother and the comfort of the physical father. The physical father comforts the newborn child while the physical mother nurtures the newborn child. So the child needs both the physical mother and the physical father to grow into a balanced adult. In the same vein, the human spirit is born again because of the Holy Union of the Universal Mother with the Universal Father.

The human spirit cannot enter into the world of EKUMEKU without the virgin birth that is the result of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Mother. In the world of Ekwensu, the child is born involuntarily; while in the world of EKUMEKU, the Ekwueme can only be born through the voluntary effort of the individual. The Ekwueme can never be born in the world of Ekwensu. The human spirit enters into the world of EKUMEKU through rebirth. The human spirit cannot be born again without attaining the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU. The human spirit cannot attain the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU without the knowledge of good and evil. The Ekwueme is born in the world of EKUMEKU through a virgin birth.

The human spirit enters into the world of Ekwensu involuntarily because it does not have the gift of choice. On the other hand, the human spirit enters into the world of EKUMEKU voluntarily because it has attained the gift of choice. When the human spirit is born in the world of Ekwensu, it is a physical birth which manifests the physical nature of the human spirit. But when the human spirit enters into the world of EKUMEKU, it is a spiritual birth which manifests the spiritual nature of the Ekwueme. The human spirit can only enter into the world of EKUMEKU as an Ekwueme. There is no doubt that the physical birth can exist without the spiritual birth; while the spiritual birth cannot occur without the physical birth. The spiritual birth occurs only when the human spirit has transcended the conditionality of the physical birth.

The spiritual birth is interdependent on the physical birth for its manifestation; while it only occurs after the human spirit has transcended the conditionality of the physical birth. When the spiritual birth occurs, the human spirit will in principle become an Ekwueme and will exist in harmony with the interdependent order of the universe. The physical birth exists to prepare the human spirit for the spiritual birth because the experience that is gained in the world of Ekwensu exists to prepare the human spirit for the world of EKUMEKU. The human spirit cannot truly enter into the world of EKUMEKU without the spiritual birth. The human spirit which has not been born again is entangled with evil in the vicious circle of eternal death. The human spirit which lives in the world of Ekwensu without existing in the world of EKUMEKU does not have any guarantee for the attainment of the purpose of life in this universe. It is almost impossible for a human spirit to attain the state of EKUMEKU without existing in the world of EKUMEKU. The human spirit cannot exist in the world of EKUMEKU without being born again. The human spirit cannot be born again without the self-transformation that comes with the attainment of the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU.

It is the self-transformation of an elemental being that elevates the human spirit from one of the separated pathways in the world of Ekwensu to the Path of Ekwueme. The elevation of the human spirit to the Path of Ekwueme makes the human spirit an Ekwueme. But this elevation cannot truly occur without the spiritual birth of the human spirit who has to reject ISFET and accept MAAT. This elevation cannot truly occur without the resurrection of the individual Chi from the dead end nature of the world of Ekwensu. This elevation cannot truly occur without the attainment of the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU. Those who have been born again become the children of the Holy Parents and the partakers of their divine essence. The universal brotherhood and sisterhood of all humanity is the basic message of the Great Master's Ozioma. Regardless of its higher and unparalleled truth, the Ozioma can be apprehended by those who are the devoted followers of the Divine Plan of AMUN in whom we trust.

The Ekwuemenu are the true brothers and sisters in EKUMEKU who are born of the same Universal Mother and Universal Father of humanity. They are not a body with the same flesh and blood because they acquired their flesh and blood involuntarily when they entered into the world of Ekwensu as newborn babies. But the Ekwueme People of Truth represent the living Haremakhet with the same spirit of oneness. What they share together is the Almighty Spirit of EKUMEKU that transcends the mortal body that is acquired in the world of Ekwensu. Although the body is important in the attainment of the purpose of life, it is acquired involuntarily. If it is acquired involuntarily, it cannot give a complete definition and understanding of the purpose of life without the human spirit.

The Almighty Spirit of EKUMEKU is apprehended voluntarily. Because it is apprehended voluntarily, it gives a complete definition of the meaning and purpose of life to the human spirit because it transcends the body while it cannot exist without the body. The human spirit needs the body to attain the purpose of life; while the body can live without the Almighty Spirit of EKUMEKU. That is why, it is only when the spirit has transcended the body that there can be a delicate balance between the body and the spirit. The body does not have the faculty to establish and maintain a delicate balance with itself and the spirit. But the spirit has the faculty because it cannot exist without the body. The Almighty Spirit of EKUMEKU needs the living Haremakhet for growth and sustenance; while the living Haremakhet needs the Almighty Spirit of EKUMEKU to attain the purpose of life. The Almighty Spirit of EKUMEKU cannot exist without the living Haremakhet; while the living Haremakhet will be meaningless without the Almighty Spirit of EKUMEKU. The living Haremakhet came into existence because of the Almighty Spirit of EKUMEKU and will always need it to establish and maintain a delicate balance in the universe of life. The Universal Fatherhood of EKUMEKU and the Universal Motherhood of MAAT have made it possible for the evolution of a true universal brotherhood and sisterhood on the Planet. The world of EKUMEKU is the world of Oneness of Being; while the world of Ekwensu is the world of the separateness of being. The Chosen One is the everlasting Intercessor between AMUN and EKUMEKU and was chosen with the divine authority to unite the world of EKUMEKU with the world of Ekwensu through the supreme principle of EKUMEKU.

The supreme principle of EKUMEKU represents the unity that exists between the world of EKUMEKU and the world of Ekwensu. The creative energy of life cannot be understood without the power of procreation and the purpose of creation. When the higher energy of the world of EKUMEKU is brought into a complementary relationship with the lower energy of the world of Ekwensu, the human spirit becomes capable of existing as the mirror image of the universe with an unlimited potentiality and possibility of life. The world of Ekwensu cannot fully be understood without the Ekwensi which is the human spirit that is separated from the supreme principle of EKUMEKU because of its evil force of disorder and disunity. Whatever that does not exist in harmony with the supreme principle of EKUMEKU is Ekwensism. The force of Ekwensism is disunited by its separation from the supreme principle of EKUMEKU and it's mostly motivated by vested interest and driven by the passions and desires of the flesh. In contrast, the force of Biafranism is the capacity to recognize the two warring forces of life and to unite them in a delicate balance as a means of generating energy and creating harmony in the universe of life. The struggle between the Ekwueme and the Ekwensi has existed from the beginning of creation which perpetually re­occurs in the cycle of time and space. The truthfulness of EKUMEKU encourages the Ekwueme to live courageously without the fear of evil on the Planet.

The Ekwensi experiences good and evil or virtue and vice but cannot see beyond the illusions and shadows of everyday life. In so far as life is a battleground, the Ekwueme has the best weapon that is needed to win in this struggle to overcome evil by doing good. The Ekwensi represents the human spirit with an uncontrolled energy vibration who is separated from the worship of AMUN in whom we trust because of the lack of a devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU. The purpose of human life is spiritual as opposed to material because its meaning is the self-realization of the state of EKUMEKU on this Planet. When the human spirit unites the lower energy of the world of Ekwensu with the higher energy of the world of EKUMEKU, the interdependent order of the universe is manifested by the Ekwueme. The principle of the Ekwueme is the true meaning of the Law of Interdependence. The Ekwueme is the complimentary opposite of the Ekwensi who lives in separation and independence from the supreme principle of EKUMEKU- The struggle between the Ekwueme and the Ekwensi on another level represents the conflict that is inherent in the nature of creation because the forces of good and evil must exist to create life. The Ekwensi is the embodiment of corruption, complacency, greed, self-interest, individualism, egocentrism, lust, hatred, anger, ignorance, falsehood, deception, chaos, evil, confusion, disorder or disunity which can possess the human spirit when it is separated or alienated from the supreme principle of EKUMEKU.

The supreme principle of EKUMEKU exists to exclude, subordinate or include every aspect of life in the geometrical movement of the Eternal Wheel of Nzoputa Uwa. The supreme principle of EKUMEKU excludes and subordinates every Ekwensi from the devotional discipline of living MAAT by renouncing ISFET; while it includes every human spirit that has surrendered its life of living in agreement with Nsi unconditionally to the Divine Will of AMUN in whom we trust. It is the supreme principle of EKUMEKU that unites the world of Ekwensu with the world of EKUMEKU when the human spirit has been born again. Without the attainment of the devotion of purpose to the supreme principle of EKUMEKU, the human spirit can only be separated from the original source of creation. This separateness of being makes the human spirit to live in the world of Ekwensu without existing in the world of EKUMEKU.

The universe of life is the expression of processes of being and becoming which come into being out of the becoming and yet that becomes what is from what is not. The Law of Interdependence reveals the character of the universe by insisting that it is what is not that becomes what is, and at the same time, it is what is that becomes what is not. If what is can become what is not and what is not can become what is, the only meaningful way of understanding life ought to be through the interdependent order of the universe. Life is a ceaseless exchange of energy, transforming what is not into what is and what is into what is not. When this state of existence is understood, the human spirit will not see a dichotomy between what is and what is not because they are both the expressions of the same process of life. When there is no dichotomy between what is not and what is, it becomes easy for the human spirit to apprehend the truthfulness of EKUMEKU. It makes it easy to understand that evil does not exist on its own because it is the location or consciousness of the doer that determines whether what is said or done is evil. Sex is not evil by itself because it is the location or consciousness of the doer that determines whether sex is evil or not evil.

War is not evil on its own because it is the location or consciousness of the doer that determines whether it is evil or not evil. Self-preservation is not evil on its own because it is the location or consciousness of the human spirit that practices it that determines whether it is evil or not. Religion is not evil on its own because it is the location or consciousness of the practitioner that determines whether it is evil or not evil. Money is not evil on its own because it is the location or consciousness of the individual that determines whether it is evil or not evil. The human body is not evil by itself because it is the location or consciousness of the human being that determines whether it is evil or not evil. Material things are not evil on their own because it is the location or consciousness of the human spirit that determines whether they are evil or not evil. Human beings are not evil on their own because it is their location in the universe of EKUMEKU that determines whether they are evil or not evil.

The location of everything determines its nature or consciousness. What is evil can become good and what is good can become evil depending on the location of consciousness. There are no absolutes because the supreme principle of EKUMEKU is the equilibrium force in the universe. There is nothing that is by itself absolutely evil with the exception of Nsi, the root of all evil. Whatever has a cause must also have an effect. Whatever is the cause cannot be fully understood without the effect. Whatever is the effect cannot be fully understood without the cause. The world of Ekwensu gives rise to the world of EKUMEKU. The world of Ekwensu can exist on its own without the world of EKUMEKU. But the world of EKUMEKU cannot exist without the world of Ekwensu. The world of EKUMEKU exists in interdependence with the world of Ekwensu because it is the world of Ekwensu that gives rise to the world of EKUMEKU. When the world of Ekwensu exists in independence from the world of EKUMEKU, it can only represent what is not. But when the world of Ekwensu exists in interdependence with the world of EKUMEKU, it becomes an inseparable half of the whole. The world of EKUMEKU becomes what is when it has established a delicate balance by transcending the world of Ekwensu.

The world of EKUMEKU becomes what is not when it cannot maintain a delicate balance between the world of Ekwensu and the world of EKUMEKU. When the world of EKUMEKU dominates the world of Ekwensu, a delicate balance is established and maintained which enables the interdependent order of the universe to persist. Therefore, the interdependent order of the universe presupposes the world of EKUMEKU which cannot exist without the world of Ekwensu. This interdependent order in the universe exists because of the Law of MAAT; and the Law of ISFET underlies the basis of the independent state of existence. The world of EKUMEKU is voluntary because it has the gift of choice; while the world of Ekwensu is involuntary because it does not have the freedom of choice. The world of Ekwensu is bondage and slavery when it exists in independence, separated from the supreme principle of EKUMEKU. The human spirit which lives in the world of Ekwensu without existing in the world of EKUMEKU is limited to the involuntary forces of life. As a result, the Law of Interdependence stipulates that the virgin birth of the Ekwueme is interdependent on the physical birth of the elemental being. The elemental being is born through the physical birth; while the Ekwueme is born through the virgin birth. The elemental being is separated from the supreme principle of EKUMEKU; while the Ekwueme is united with the supreme principle of EKUMEKU through a devotion of purpose.

Blessings of Hotep!

In the spirit of MAAT, Iam


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